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​运送至wish FBW US仓库的货物是否需要DDP(完税后交货)?

2022-03-27 17:39:32 跨境问答

是的。请务必将库存 DDP(完税后交货)至 FBW US 仓库。仓库不负责支付关税或通知您未付关税事宜。如果未缴纳关税,仓库还可以拒绝接收入库货件。从中国大陆运送库存至 FBW US 仓库的商户也可以


​运送至wish FBW US仓库的货物是否需要DDP(完税后交货)?

​运送至wish FBW US仓库的货物是否需要DDP(完税后交货)?详细回答

是的。请务必将库存 DDP(完税后交货)至 FBW US 仓库。仓库不负责支付关税或通知您未付关税事宜。如果未缴纳关税,仓库还可以拒绝接收入库货件。

从中国大陆运送库存至 FBW US 仓库的商户也可以利用 WishPost 联运项目完成 DDP,而无需费神选择提供 DDP 服务的物流服务商。联运项目是 WishPost 为商户提供的另一种物流选择,可帮助商户将库存运往其设在美国的海外仓库,为商户大大节省时间、降低首程物流成本,并提高尾程物流效率。

此外,为了进一步支持中国大陆商户将库存运送至新开放的 FBW-US-PLG 仓库,FBW US 和联运项目推出一项限时优惠活动,北京时间2021年8月18日凌晨0时起生效。


  1. 相应联运项目运单的创建时间在北京时间2021年8月18日凌晨0时至北京时间2021年11月17日晚11时59分之间

  2. 您选择联运项目的海运渠道配送库存,且运单上的收货地址是wish的 FBW-US-PLG 仓库。

要参加本次限时优惠活动,只需按正常流程创建 FBW US 路向的配送计划,并通过联运项目创建相应的运单即可。只要您满足上述两个要求,wish商户平台将在您的联运运单创建成功并经 WishPost 确认之后,将相应运单的物流费退还至您的 WishPost 帐号。




5. Do I have to ship goods DDP to the FBW US warehouse?

Yes. Make sure you ship your inventory DDP (Delivered Duty Paid) to the FBW US warehouses. The warehouse is not going to be responsible for paying duty for you or notify you about unpaid duties. The warehouse can also refuse to accept inbound shipments if duty is unpaid.

Alternatively, merchants shipping inventory from Mainland China to FBW US warehouses may leverage the WishPost Uni-Freight Program to do so, without needing to worry about selecting carriers that offer DDP service. The Uni-Freight Program is a logistics option for merchants to consider for delivering inventory to their overseas warehouses located in the United States, which can effectively save time, lower first-mile logistics cost, and improve last-mile efficiency for merchants.

In addition, to better support Mainland China-based merchants in delivering inventories to the recently-opened FBW-US-PLG warehouse, FBW US and the Uni-Freight Program will launch a limited-time promotion, effective August 18, 2021, 12:00AM Beijing Time.

Specifically, the logistics fees of your Uni-Freight shipping orders will be waived, if the following two requirements are both met:

  1. The corresponding Uni-Freight shipping orders are created between August 18, 2021, 12:00AM Beijing Time and November 17, 2021 11:59PM Beijing Time.

  2. You select Uni-Freight’s ocean transportation channels to deliver your inventory and the receiving address is our FBW-US-PLG warehouse in your Uni-Freight shipping orders.

To take advantage of this limited-time offering, simply follow the normal process to create a shipping plan to FBW US and a corresponding shipping order via the Uni-Freight Program. As long as you meet the two requirements mentioned above, we will later return the logistics fees of your Uni-Freight shipping orders to your WishPost accounts, after your Uni-Freight shipping order is successfully created and confirmed by WishPost. 

Please note that the logistics fees of Uni-Freight shipping orders for delivering oversized or overweight boxes and small boxes (weigh less than 10kg) will not be waived. If you are eligible to enjoy other discounts offered by the Uni-Freight Program now, please also note that this limited-time offering will not be combined with other discounts. 

To learn more about the Uni-Freight Program, please visit this article.
