运送产品至wish FBW US 仓库时,是否对单次运送的产品有尺寸或数量限制?
1. 如何注册使用wish FBW US 仓库?商户只需接受《FBW 服务条款》,即可自动获得使用 FBW-US-PLG 仓库的权限。2. 运送产品至wish FBW US 仓库时,是否对单次运送的产
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- 运送产品至wish FBW US 仓库时,是否对单次运送的产品有尺寸或数量限制?详细回答
- wish FBW US 仓库?" target="_self">1. 如何注册使用wish FBW US 仓库?
- 2. 运送产品至wish FBW US 仓库时,是否对单次运送的产品有尺寸或数量限制?
- 2. How do I sign up for FBW US?
- 3. Are there certain limitations regarding the size or quantity of product I can ship to FBW US warehouses at one time?
运送产品至wish FBW US 仓库时,是否对单次运送的产品有尺寸或数量限制?详细回答
1. 如何注册使用wish FBW US 仓库?
商户只需接受《FBW 服务条款》,即可自动获得使用 FBW-US-PLG 仓库的权限。
2. 运送产品至wish FBW US 仓库时,是否对单次运送的产品有尺寸或数量限制?
是的。目前 FBW-US-PLG 仓库不接受重量超过25磅(11.34公斤)的 SKU。
如果您担心运送至 FBW US 仓库的物品太大,请联系 fbw-ms@wish.com。
根据历史销售数据,我们建议加入 FBW 的每个 SKU 库存为20-100个。如果您确信库存会很快售出,那么将较多的产品运送至仓库也无妨。请切记,FBW US 仓库的免费存储期仅为90个自然日(详细信息请参阅 FBW 仓库费用 - 北美洲)。90个自然日后,您将需要支付仓储费用。
2. How do I sign up for FBW US?
Upon agreeing to the FBW Terms of Service, all merchants have access to FBW-US-PLG warehouse automatically.
3. Are there certain limitations regarding the size or quantity of product I can ship to FBW US warehouses at one time?
Yes. Currently, the FBW-US-PLG warehouse does not accept SKU weighing more than 25 pounds (11.34 kg).
If you have concerns about shipping big, bulky items to the FBW US warehouses, please contact fbw-ms@wish.com.
According to previous sales data, we recommend starting with an allocation of 20-100 units per SKU for FBW US. It doesn’t hurt to ship more units to the warehouse if you are confident that the inventory is going to move quickly. Keep in mind that the free storage period of the FBW US warehouses is only 90 calendar days (see FBW Warehouse Fees - North America for details). After 90 calendar days time, you will be responsible for any storage cost.