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2022-03-28 16:56:01 跨境问答







正如前文所述,当这些订单履行完毕后,Wish 将按照新的付款结构付款给商户。在订单 > 未履行的订单页面,“总成本”列显示商户将从 Wish 收到的单笔产品订单的货款加运费的总金额,减去收入分成。在这种情况下,如果订单的路向目的国/地区已经涵盖在 Wish 合并计划中,则订单的“运费”是指 Wish 计算的首程运费。

当商户将订单标记为“已发货”后,此订单将移至订单 > 历史记录页面。由于此类订单采用新的付款结构,商户将看到此页面上增加了一个新的“WishPost 运费”列:

由于配送订单时商户需要先向 WishPost 支付运费,而wish商户平台将在之后向商户报销此费用,因此,一旦商户平台捕获到 WishPost 运费金额,就会立即显示在此处。如果尚未捕获,则在此处显示“待确认”,在商户平台捕获 WishPost 运费金额并在此处显示之前,此处显示的“总成本”不是最终的金额。

在订单 > 未履行的订单页面或订单 > 历史记录页面,点击订单 ID 后出现的“订单详情”页(“产品详情”部分)也会显示这些信息:


Filter for relevant products via API

Please refer to the “API Changes” section at the bottom of this article for more details.

Receiving and shipping orders bound for enabled destination countries included in the unification initiative

Once the First-Mile Shipping Price becomes effective, merchants will begin receiving relevant orders bound for the above-listed countries enabled for their products. These orders will be specifically marked with a “Unification Initiative” flag in Merchant Dashboard:

As noted above, once these orders are fulfilled, merchants will be paid according to a new payment structure. Specifically, on the Orders > Unfulfilled Orders page, the “Total Cost” column will show the total amount that merchants will be receiving from Wish for an order for the product and shipping price, excluding the revenue share. In this case, "shipping price" for orders bound for destination countries included in Wish's unification initiative refers to the First-Mile Shipping Price calculated by Wish.

Once merchants mark this order “shipped”, the order will be moved to the Orders > History page. Given the new payment structure for this type of orders, merchants will see a new “WishPost Shipping” column added to this page:

Because shipping this order involves merchants paying WishPost, to reimburse merchants for the amount paid to WishPost afterwards, we show the WishPost Shipping amount here once that is captured by the Merchant Dashboard. If it hasn’t been captured, merchants will see “Pending” here, and the Total Cost shown will not be final until WishPost Shipping amount is fully captured and presented here.

The above information will also be presented concurrently in the Order details page after merchants click on the Order ID in either the Orders > Unfulfilled Orders page or Orders > History page, specifically in the “Product details” section:
