有个承订批发商(drop shipper)经常在我这边买书,但是他一直说我发给他的书有问题(我发货之前都有仔细检查一遍,没发现问题后再把书寄出去),然后要求这个,要求那个的,我真的好想取消他的订单啊!你们有什么好的建议吗?
你现在能做的是忍耐、再忍耐,还是不要主动取消订单比较好,不然就违反亚马逊规则了。或者你以“无存货”为由取消订单,但是不要做太多次了,这样你的卖家评分会受到影响的。我给你一个邮件模板吧:“Dear BuyerThank you for purchasing from us on Amazon, Your (item) (serial number) was shipped to (address on order) by (Standard/Expedited) on tracking number (####) as ordered, (delivered (Date)) and is as described.I hear you have some questions about it. (Amazon policy does not provide for changing the shipping address or the method of shipping after the order is placed) (The item will be delivered within the Amazon shipping window, there is no provision in Amazon policy to change the shipping to deliver faster) We are happy to honor Amazon policy which provides for a buyer-discretionary return for refund within the first 30 days. This is your authorization to return. Please send the return to (Address)(Packing instructions) Returns must be received by (Date 30 days) Upon receipt of the return we will refund as per Amazon policy. Per Amazon policy, items returned may be assessed a reasonable restocking charge, items used, damaged or missing parts are subject to additional charges, and shipping is not refundable.Please let me know if there in anything else we can do to help. Seller.”反正你要向他传达这个意思:“如果你不喜欢它,根据亚马逊的政策,你可以提出退货,我会把钱退给你的”。因为承订批发商手头没货,所以他们一般是不会想要退货的
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“Dear Buyer
Thank you for purchasing from us on Amazon, Your (item) (serial number) was shipped to (address on order) by (Standard/Expedited) on tracking number (####) as ordered, (delivered (Date)) and is as described.
I hear you have some questions about it. (Amazon policy does not provide for changing the shipping address or the method of shipping after the order is placed) (The item will be delivered within the Amazon shipping window, there is no provision in Amazon policy to change the shipping to deliver faster)
We are happy to honor Amazon policy which provides for a buyer-discretionary return for refund within the first 30 days. This is your authorization to return. Please send the return to (Address)
(Packing instructions)
Returns must be received by (Date 30 days)
Upon receipt of the return we will refund as per Amazon policy. Per Amazon policy, items returned may be assessed a reasonable restocking charge, items used, damaged or missing parts are subject to additional charges, and shipping is not refundable.
Please let me know if there in anything else we can do to help.
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有个人在我发货的24小时之后发邮件问“我买的产品在哪里?”,然后又发邮件说商品与描述不符(这时候货还没送到),希望我能退钱给他(但是他不用退货)。然后我就知道他是承订批发商了,所以就不再把包裹的跟踪信息发给他(我保留着这些信息,如果他提交INR claim,我能有证据证明货已送到)。这样一来,他没办法提供给ebay买家这些信息,对他来说很不利。后来他都没有在我这边下单了~
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为了以防万一,你可以要求买家签字确认,也可以通过亚马逊购买邮费,这样一旦买家提交AZ或者INR claim,你可以受到亚马逊政策的保护,对你比较有利