最近客人发了这么个邮件:”你们把我的包裹寄到三年前住的地方去了,我收不到包裹,请重新派送。” 很明显是客人填错地址,包裹被别人拿走了,但这不能怪我们啊。客人跟亚马逊抱怨说包裹没收到,发出AZ了,亚马逊会站在客户那边吗?大家有什么看法?
尽量说服客人,让他们意识到这是他自己本身的失误,可以这样子来写:Dear Customer,I'm sorry to hear about the problem with your delivery, however I need to clarify that sellers have no access to any personal information in your Amazon account and we can only ship to the address that was provided with your order. If you will look at the attached screenprint of your order (attach screenprint), you'll see the shipping address was provided as (insert address).If this is an outdated address, I can imagine a couple of things that might have happened. During the check-out process, you are presented with all addresses you have stored in your address book and asked to choose the one you want your order shipped to. Is it possible you clicked the wrong button by mistake?Another possibility is that you have 1-click ordering turned on, which will submit an order, using details you have previously stored (such as your shipping address) without giving you the chance to review them before confirming the order. While 1-click shopping offers convenience, it also presents a risk of submitting an order in a way you didn't intend, if you forget to update your account details.If you'll check your order history and bring up the details of your order with us, you'll be able to confirm the shipping address that was provided on your end. Because Amazon requires us to fill orders according to the customer's exact specifications chosen at check-out, we are required to ship to the address you provide. We aren't permitted to ship to a different address, and would have no way to know any previous address of yours in any case.If you didn't mean for your order to be sent to that address, there are a few things we can do to try and help you recover it. Because the package was addressed to your name at that address, we can hope the people who receive it will mark it return to sender, and it will come back to us. If they don't, we can try sending a letter to the current residents, explaining that the package was sent to them in error and asking if they would be so kind as to reroute it. If you'd like to proceed with this, I'll be happy to send the letter on your behalf, or leave it in your hands if you prefer.Because we sent the package to the address you provided, and it seems to have been successfully delivered there, I'm afraid we aren't able to offer you a replacement in this situation. Please let us know if you would like us to send a letter to try and retrieve it from the people you had it sent to.Sincerely,Seller这封邮件没有明显说是客人的责任,但最终还是要看客人自己能不能承认这个失误了。如果原先地址离客人现在的地址不远,可以建议他去那边拿一下。
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Dear Customer,
I'm sorry to hear about the problem with your delivery, however I need to clarify that sellers have no access to any personal information in your Amazon account and we can only ship to the address that was provided with your order. If you will look at the attached screenprint of your order (attach screenprint), you'll see the shipping address was provided as (insert address).
If this is an outdated address, I can imagine a couple of things that might have happened. During the check-out process, you are presented with all addresses you have stored in your address book and asked to choose the one you want your order shipped to. Is it possible you clicked the wrong button by mistake?
Another possibility is that you have 1-click ordering turned on, which will submit an order, using details you have previously stored (such as your shipping address) without giving you the chance to review them before confirming the order. While 1-click shopping offers convenience, it also presents a risk of submitting an order in a way you didn't intend, if you forget to update your account details.
If you'll check your order history and bring up the details of your order with us, you'll be able to confirm the shipping address that was provided on your end. Because Amazon requires us to fill orders according to the customer's exact specifications chosen at check-out, we are required to ship to the address you provide. We aren't permitted to ship to a different address, and would have no way to know any previous address of yours in any case.
If you didn't mean for your order to be sent to that address, there are a few things we can do to try and help you recover it. Because the package was addressed to your name at that address, we can hope the people who receive it will mark it return to sender, and it will come back to us. If they don't, we can try sending a letter to the current residents, explaining that the package was sent to them in error and asking if they would be so kind as to reroute it. If you'd like to proceed with this, I'll be happy to send the letter on your behalf, or leave it in your hands if you prefer.
Because we sent the package to the address you provided, and it seems to have been successfully delivered there, I'm afraid we aren't able to offer you a replacement in this situation. Please let us know if you would like us to send a letter to try and retrieve it from the people you had it sent to.
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https://sellercentral.amazon.c ... earch
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楼主,其实我作为买家也会碰到收件地址填错的情况,这不是你的错。建议你在Seller Support里面开一个case申诉一下。
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