埃及入境条件 2022年入境埃及需要核酸检测吗? 埃及入境核酸检测要求 中文核酸报告能否入境埃及? 埃及入境政策能否携带核酸检测报告副本?2022年

6月18日以后,入境埃及核酸检测报告请注意以下最新要求:1)只接受英语或阿拉伯语的检测报告。2)只接受原件,而不是复印件。3)核酸检测报告必须加盖医院印章或二维码。4) 核酸检测报告中的所有信息必须准确,不得手动更改,否则无效。The latest requirmenst for PCR certificateaccepted in CAIstart from 18Jun:1) The PCR certificateis only accepted in Arabic or English language.2)The PCR certificate must be an original paper certfificate,copy is not allowed.3) The PCR certificate must issued by an authorized accredited laboratory and stamped with the laboratory's stamp OR with QR code "instead of the laboratory stamp".4) The PCR certificate can not contain scraping,cancellation or addition,otherwise,it will be recognized as invalid.