2022年4月17日,澳大利亚最新入境政策 澳大利亚各州入境政策 澳大利亚2022批准疫苗名单

根据澳大利亚出入境管理局发布的最新政策:新冠肺炎检测要求将在 4月 17日政府生物安全紧急决定失败后取消,疫苗要求和口罩令将保持不变。澳大利亚卫生部长证实,澳大利亚将在国际游客出发前取消新冠肺炎检测要求。以前,游客需要Covid即使他们已经接种了最新的疫苗,也只有在测试为阴性后才能登上飞往澳大利亚的机票。但这一规定将从4月17日起取消。格雷格,卫生部长·亨特证实,他不会续签新冠肺炎的生物安全命令,这意味着游轮的限制和对快速抗原试验的反价格欺诈处罚也将结束。澳大利亚已经准备好走出两年零一个月前公布的紧急状态。亨特在黄金海岸告诉记者,我不会续签生物安全紧急决议。乘客仍然需要证明他们至少接受了两剂tga经批准的新冠肺炎疫苗仍将需要在国内外机票上佩戴口罩。紧急生物安全权包括出发前强制新冠肺炎检测、澳大利亚人出境旅游限制、游轮限制、快速抗原检测反价格欺诈。该协议已续签8次,将于4月17日到期。符合要求的疫苗接种情况如下:澳大利亚官方认可的中国疫苗包括:1.Sinovac Coronavac (科兴生物)2.Sinopharm BBIBPCorV (1860岁) (国药集团)BBIBPCorV)3.澳大利亚政府认可的中国疫苗不包括武汉生物疫苗。请务必查阅当事人接种的疫苗证明。疫苗接种分为两种情况:1.完全接种“TGA澳大利亚政府”入境澳大利亚,免隔离疫苗。(到达澳大利亚前至少七天)2.未完全接种疫苗的签证拥有者必须拥有效的旅游豁免才能入境境,那么可在每个州入境的人数规定下,可向航司申请配额名,假如被准许入境境,则必须接受酒店强制性隔离。申请豁免流程:1.最少提前七天申请名额2.可点链接申请豁免:https://travel exemptions.homeaffairs.gov.au/tep3.豁免和航空公司配额可分别申请4.航空公司将根据您的免疫信判断乘客是否允许您登机免疫:1.≤12岁的澳籍公民/永久居民,12岁零3个月的临时签证所有者2.临时签证类别所有者3,12岁零3个月. 12~18岁的人需与一名符合完全接种定义的家长或监护人一并旅游再来一并看下2022年2月21日全面开放后,对国际旅客入境的规定有哪些新变化?澳大利亚全境共同要求All passengers arriving by air into Australia should complete the Digital Passenger Declaration.澳大利亚政府要求所有乘飞机入境的乘客填写电子游客通知。You can start your DPD seven days before your flight and submit it within 72 hours before your departure for Australia. This is because you must provide your health information and declaration (vaccination status and COVID19 test result) within 72 hours before your flight.请在机票出发前七天内填写DPD,并在抵澳前72小时内提交通知。https://www.homeaffairs.gov.au/COVID新南威尔士州全注射状态:Fully vaccinated passengers arriving from overseas完全注射的乘客入境后应达到以下步骤:Go straight to your home or accommodation直接去你的住所或宿舍Take a COVID19 rapid antigen test接受COVID19快速测试Selfisolate until you get a negative test result家庭隔离直到核酸阴性报告出来You must not visit highrisk places for at least 7 days after arrival. For the next 7 days,a negative rapid antigen test in the 24 hours prior to visiting the facility is strongly recommended. Please check with the facility before visiting.抵达澳大利亚后七天内不得前往高风险地区。如果七天后有核酸阴性报告,请尝试前往低风险地区。请确认目的地是否为低风险地区。全注射的定义:A fully vaccinated arrival entering NSW from overseas includes:To be considered fully vaccinated for travel to and from Australia you must have completed a course of a vaccine approved or recognised by the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA). This includes mixed doses.Coronavac (Sinovac)Covishield (AstraZeneca Serum Institute of India)BBIBPCorV for people under 60 years of age on arrival in Australia (Sinopharm China)Covaxin (Bharat Biotech)Sputnik V (Gamaleya Research Institute)至少注射上述5种疫苗一个疗程,可视为全注射,包括北京科兴。非全注射:Arrivals who are not fully vaccinated:Arrivals who are not fully vaccinated must enter a managed (hotel) quarantine facility for at least 7 days. You will be asked to undertake testing for COVID19 during your quarantine.非全注射旅客需在指定酒店隔离7天,隔离期间需进行核酸试验。堪培拉首都There are currently no direct international flights arriving into the ACT. The vast majority of travellers who wish to travel to the ACT arrive in Sydney,New South Wales.大多数前往堪培拉首都的乘客将从新南威尔士州悉尼入境。The ACT has different requirements for travellers depending on their vaccination status.Fully vaccinated travellers can travel on to the ACT where permitted by their port of entry and when complying with the requirements outlined below.Unvaccinated travellers cannot travel to the ACT without an exemption,or until a period of quarantine has been completed at their port of entry.全注射旅客可直接前往堪培拉首都;非全注射旅客必须隔离后才能前往堪培拉首都,新南威尔士州的入境条例参照隔离要求。维多利亚州到达维多利亚州前,应做好准备:All international travellers need the following to enter VictoriaHave an international COVID19 vaccination certificate,or obtain a valid foreign vaccination certificate from the country you were vaccinated.国际疫苗接种证明,或您居住地区认可的境外疫苗;Test negative for COVID19: Show proof of a negative COVID19 PCR test taken within 3 days of your scheduled departure or a medical certificate as evidence of a negative rapid antigen test taken under medical supervision within 24 hours of your flight’s scheduled departure to Australia,unless you have an exemption. Some countries are exempt from predeparture testing. This is a Commonwealth border entry requirement.出发前3天内的核酸阴性试验证明,或进入澳大利亚后24小时内的快速核酸试验;Ensure all your other Commonwealth entry requirements are in order,including checking you can travel and completing your Digital Passenger Declaration.提前填写电子游客通知DPDIf hotel quarantine: Fill in the Victorian Quarantine Arrival Form so we are able to support you during your quarantine period. If you fill it out before arriving at Melbourne Airport,you will be able to pass more quickly through the terminal. You can still choose to fill it in once you arrive.如需隔离,请提前填写维州入境隔离申请(https://mqservices.justice.vic.gov.au/csp)到达维州后:There are different requirements for travellers based on their vaccination status.Travellers who have at least two vaccination doses新冠肺炎疫苗注射两针以上的旅客Immediately quarantine at home or other private accommodation upon arrival.入境后立即在家隔离;Get a rapid antigen test,or a PCR test if you don’t have access to a rapid antigen test,within 24 hours of arriving in Australia and continue to quarantine until you get a negative result.快速测试或入境后PCR测试。入境后未及时接受测试的,需在家隔离,直至测试结果出来。For 7 days after your arrival in Australia,you need to carry proof of ID,your PCR result (if you took a PCR test),and evidence that you are double dosed or exempt,and present these on request to authorities if asked. Comply with all pandemic orders in place.抵达澳大利亚七天后,如需抽查,应将身份证明、核酸试验结果、疫苗注射证明或豁免证明带到指定部门。昆士兰完全注射:Fully vaccinated international arrivals are not required to quarantine if they undertake a COVID19 test within 24 hours of arrival and isolate until they receive a negative result.入境昆州的全注射旅客无需隔离,但入境后24小时内需要进行核酸测试;非全注射的状况:Unvaccinated international arrivals must arrive in Queensland at the Brisbane International Airport and will be required to quarantine for 14 days in governmentnominated accommodation in accordance with the Quarantine for International Arrivals Direction.如果非全注射乘客想进入昆士兰州,他们必须进入布里斯班国际机场,并在政府指定的隔离地点隔离14天。南澳大利亚州完全注射:The person has completed a primary course of an ATAGI approved or recognised vaccine; or they have a medical exemption certificate.注射获得ATAGI认可的疫苗或有免疫许可证;You are required to have a prearrival negative test result.入境时应有核酸阴性报告。非全注射:Quarantine as directed for 14 days after arrival入境后隔离14天;Undertake a COVID19 PCR test within 24 hours of arrival in SA,on the 6th day after arrival and on the 13th day after arrival.入境后24小时内进行核酸试验,入境后6、13天再进行试验;Check symptoms for 14 days after arrival入境后14天内确认当事人是否有新冠肺炎感染症状。西澳大利亚州必须进入或返回西澳大利亚G2G通行证。(G2G通行证申请:https://www.g2gpass.com.au/)International travellers entering WA are required to:此外,所有入境人员必须遵守以下规则:Meet Commonwealth Government requirements to enter Australia,including vaccination and testing requirements:Be fully vaccinated under the Commonwealth Government requirements,没有强制性的要求。只要入境旅客符合共同入境条例。但官方网站建议在旅行前完全注射,并携带疫苗注射证明。最后一次疫苗应在旅行前14天可混合)注射:AstraZeneca VaxzevriaAstraZeneca COVISHIELDPfizer/Biontech ComirnatyModerna (Spikevax or Takeda)Sinovac Coronavac/北京科兴Bharat CovaxinSinopharm BBIBPCorV北京国药 (For people under 60 years of age)Gamaleya Research Institute Sputnik VNovavax/Biocelect NuvaxovidJohnson & Johnson/JanssenCilag COVID Vaccine
if eligibleundertake a Rapid Antigen Test (RAT) within 12 hours of arriving in Western Australia and register any positive result.遵守澳大利亚入境规定:接种2针以上新冠肺炎疫苗(包括北京科兴和北京国药);入境后12小时内接受快速新冠肺炎测试;如有阳性反应,请报告:https://www.healthywa.wa.gov.au/Articles/A_E/Coronavirus/COVID19testing/RapidAntigenTestUnvaccinated returning Australians will be required to complete 7 days of hotel quarantine.非全注射乘客需要隔离七天。塔斯马尼亚州There are currently no entry requirements in place for any travellers to Tasmania.塔州目前没有入境限制。北领地北领地目前只有安全旅游建议,