参加Amazon Handmade计划的商品销售佣金怎么算?亚马逊官方发布:Amazon handmade手工运动户外用
参与Amazon Handmade计划的产品销售佣金怎么计算?亚马逊官方公布:Amazon handmade手工制作健身运动户外运动用品指引引言
参与Amazon Handmade计划的产品销售佣金怎么计算?:Amazon Handmade 手工艺人必须为卖出的每一件产品付款销售佣金。销售佣金可能是根据统一百分数利率测算得到的花费或每一件产品最少花费,将取二者中的较高者,并不会与此同时缴纳。亚马逊官方公布:Amazon handmade手工制作健身运动户外运动用品指引做为手工艺人,您的手工制作健身运动和户外运动用品类产品务必合乎下列指引的规定
参与Amazon Handmade计划的产品销售佣金怎么计算?
Amazon Handmade: 销售佣金
Amazon Handmade 手工艺人必须为卖出的每一件产品付款销售佣金。销售佣金可能是根据统一百分数利率测算得到的花费或每一件产品最少花费,将取二者中的较高者,并不会与此同时缴纳。
销售佣金¹Amazon Handmade 归类amazon将扣减根据可用百分比计算得到的销售佣金或可用的每一件产品最少销售佣金(取二者中的较高者)。销售佣金百分数可用的最少销售佣金(除非是另有要求,不然按件收费标准)Amazon Handmade: 零配件15%$1.00Amazon Handmade: 服饰15%$1.00Amazon Handmade: 母婴用品15%$1.00Amazon Handmade: 美妆护肤和个人护理身心健康15%$1.00Amazon Handmade: 家居家具²15%$1.00Amazon Handmade: 珠宝饰品15%$1.00Amazon Handmade: 宠物用具15%$1.00Amazon Handmade: 鞋靴15%$1.00Amazon Handmade: 健身运动15%$1.00Amazon Handmade: 小玩具游戏15%$1.00¹商家必须为卖出的每一件产品付款销售佣金。
²“家居家具”包含下列子归类: 厨具设备和厨具、院落、草地和园艺种植、工艺品、卫浴洁具、床品套件、家俱、居家装饰、照明灯具、仓储物流和收纳整理、狂欢派对用具和文具用品。
留意:如需要了解与 Amazon Handmade 手工艺人可享有的amazon技术专业营业费用免除特惠有关的信息内容,客户程序欢迎使用 Amazon Handmade。
Amazon Handmade: Referral Fees
Handmade Makers pay a referral fee on each product sold. The referral fee may be a flat percentage rate or a per-item minimum fee, whichever is greater. They do not pay both.
The flat percentage fee is based on the total amount paid by the buyer including the item price and any shipping or gift wrap charges, but excluding any taxes collected through Amazon tax calculation services.
Referral fees¹Handmade CategoriesAmazon deducts the greater of the applicable referral fee percentage or applicable per-item minimum referral fee.Referral Fee PercentagesApplicable Minimum Referral Fee (applied on a per-item basis unless otherwise noted)Handmade: Accessories15%$1.00Handmade: Apparel15%$1.00Handmade: Baby15%$1.00Handmade: Beauty and Personal Care15%$1.00Handmade: Home²15%$1.00Handmade: Jewelry15%$1.00Handmade: Pet Supplies15%$1.00Handmade: Shoes15%$1.00Handmade: Sports15%$1.00Handmade: Toys & Games15%$1.00¹Sellers pay a referral fee on each product sold.
²Home includes the following: Kitchen and Dining, Patio, Lawn & Garden, Art, Bath, Bedding, Furniture, Home Décor, Lighting, Storage and Organization, Party Supplies, and Stationery.
Note:For information related to the Amazon Professional Selling Fee waiver benefit for Handmade Makers, seeWelcome to Handmade.
亚马逊官方公布:Amazon handmade手工制作健身运动户外运动用品指引
Handmade Sports & Outdoors Guidelines
As a Maker, your handmade Sports and Outdoor products must adhere to the following guidelines:
All products must meet the overallHandmade Category Guidelines.
ForFirearm accessories, review the policy for more details.
ForWeapons, review the policy for more details.
Unauthorized copies or reproductions of artwork that violate any copyright or trademark are not allowed.Read more aboutIntellectual Property for Rights Owners.
Protecting Handmade Integrity
Amazon reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to remove a product from any Amazon Handmade category. We will notify the impacted Maker regarding the removal and the impacted Maker will have the option to appeal this decision. Notifications will be sent to the Maker through Seller Central and will include details on what is needed by Amazon to conduct an audit, as well as the time frame in which the Maker will need to provide Amazon with this information.