有着amazon北美协同帐户对卖家而言有哪些优点?:拥有北美协同帐户,您便可以根据卖家服务平台便捷地在 Amazon.com、Amazon.ca 和 Amazon.com.mx 卖家专用工具间变换,并在好几个商城中公布商品和管理方法订单信息。您可以选择在一个、2个或所有三个合乎资质的北美商城中发布商品。卖家注意事项|amazon商城针对珠宝饰品和珍贵晶石的相关要求珠宝饰品和珍贵晶石提示::全部商品信息内容和商品均须遵循各种法律法规和政策法规。禁卖商品实例未依照法律适用的规定加上必需印痕的金或银产品不符联邦贸易委员会的《珠宝首饰、贵金属和锡产业指南》中的规范的商品通过辐照度
拥有北美协同帐户,您便可以根据卖家服务平台便捷地在 Amazon.com、Amazon.ca 和 Amazon.com.mx 卖家专用工具间变换,并在好几个商城中公布商品和管理方法订单信息。您可以选择在一个、2个或所有三个合乎资质的北美商城中发布商品。
*留意:将依据您最开始申请注册的amazon商城缴纳每月技术专业销售工作计划订阅费。比如,假如您最开始申请注册在 Amazon.com 上开实体店,则您的月度订阅费会在 Amazon.com我要开店花费价格表中列举。
在amazon美国、澳大利亚和墨西哥商城管理方法您的amazon库存量时,掌握卖家服务平台中全世界 SKU 和商城特殊的 SKU 的差别十分关键。
全世界 SKU
全世界 SKU 应用美国、澳大利亚及其墨西哥中间的分享库存量储存。当您在卖家服务平台建立价格时,您可以挑选“【目前价格】”来建立一个全世界 SKU。应用全世界 SKU 时,总库存值适用所有商城。比如,假如您有 100 件库存量商品,可能表明在美国有 100 件商品,在澳大利亚有 100 件商品及其在墨西哥有 100 件商品。这一“100”适用这三个我国/地域,【而不是】累计为 300 个商品。假如一件商品在澳大利亚卖出,那麼全部商城都是会表明剩下 99 件商品。
【假如您自主派送订单信息】,您应当应用全世界 SKU 管理方法美国、澳大利亚和/或墨西哥的库存量。亚马逊物流库存量没法做为全世界 SKU 公布。留意,假如您将一个全世界 SKU 从卖家派送更改成amazon派送,则此变更会危害每一个商城中的该 SKU。
【假如您是以美国派送到墨西哥,请在挑选运送承运人时考虑到下列要素:】并不是全部派送选择项都能够给予全世界amazon顾客所希望的运送速率。比如,近期一项对于由卖家从美国派送至墨西哥的订单信息的统计显示,约有 69% 根据美国邮政快递署 (USPS) 派送(在墨西哥地区应用的是墨西哥邮政快递 (SEPOMEX))的交易未做到amazon的国际性派送运送時间规定。为了更好地向美国发往墨西哥的国际包裹给予一流的顾客感受,大家强烈要求您应用别的承运人(比如 FedEX、DHL、UPS)。
商城特殊的 SKU
商城特殊的 SKU 做为商城等级的库存量储存开展管理方法,这代表着您将在美国、澳大利亚和墨西哥管理方法不一样的库存量储存。当您在卖家服务平台创价格时,您可以根据挑选【唯一价格】来建立一个商城专用 SKU。商品的库存量和标价将在2个商城中各自管理方法。
留意:假如您想在好几个商城上公布商品,但您期待在某一情况下自主派送,而在另一个情况下由amazon派送,则您必须为卖家自主派送的商品和amazon派送的商品建立独立的 SKU。
【假如您应用的是亚马逊物流】,可以应用商城特殊的 SKU,并在美国、澳大利亚和墨西哥亚马逊运营核心内做为独立的储存来管理方法您的库存量。一定要注意,进到美国营销中心的库存量应当从您的北美协同帐户的 Amazon.com 一部分一部分派送,相反针对澳大利亚和墨西哥也是这般。比如,假如您在澳大利亚商城有亚马逊物流商品,您的 [ 安排发货详细地址 ] 务必是澳大利亚。
Sell on Amazon's North America Marketplaces
With a North America Unified Account, you can conveniently switch in Seller Central between Amazon.com, Amazon.ca, and Amazon.com.mx seller tools to list products and manage orders in multiple marketplaces. You have the option to list in one, two, or all three of the available North American marketplaces.
The North America Unified Account allows you to more easily:
Share listing information and manage your inventory consistently across Amazon's U.S., Canada, and Mexico marketplaces
Keep track of orders on multiple North American sales channels in Manage Orders or with one combined Order Report
Access tools and services to help you manage your business across the U.S., Canada, and Mexico marketplaces
Pay a single monthly Professional selling plan subscription fee for your North America Unified Account*
Update account information through a consolidated user interface
Get paid to your local bank in your local currency thanks to theAmazon Currency Converter for Sellers
*Note: The single monthly Professional selling plan subscription fee is applied based on the Amazon marketplace to which you initially registered. For example, if you initially registered to sell on Amazon.com, your monthly subscription fee is listed on the Amazon.comSelling on Amazon Fee Schedule.
Managing Inventory in Your North America Unified Account
When managing your Amazon inventory across Amazon's United States, Canada, and Mexico marketplaces, it is important to understand the difference between the Global SKU and the marketplace-specific SKU in Seller Central.
Global SKU
A Global SKU uses a shared inventory pool between the United States, Canada, and/or Mexico. You can create a Global SKU by selecting "Existing Offer" when you go to create an offer in Seller Central. When using a Global SKU, the total amount of inventory applies to all marketplaces. For example, if you have 100 units of inventory, it will display that there are 100 units in United States, 100 units in Canada, and 100 units in Mexico. The 100 applies to all three countries andDOES NOTadd up to a total of 300 units. If an item sells in Canada, then all marketplaces would show 99 units available.
Note:Pricing is managed separately in each marketplace.
If you are shipping an order yourself, you should use a Global SKU to manage inventory across the United States, Canada, and/or Mexico. Inventory fulfilled by Amazon is not eligible to list as a Global SKU. Note that if you change a Global SKU from seller-fulfilled to Amazon-fulfilled, this change will impact the SKU across every marketplace.
If you are shipping from the United States to Mexico, consider the following when choosing you shipping carrier:Not all shipping options deliver the transit speeds that Amazon customers worldwide have come to expect. For example, a recent study of orders fulfilled by sellers shipping from the United States to Mexico showed that approximately 69% of orders shipped via United States Postal Service (USPS), which uses Correos de México/Servicio Postal Mexicano (SEPOMEX) for delivery within Mexico, did not meet Amazon's international shipping transit time requirements. To provide a great customer experience on shipments from the United States to Mexico, we strongly recommend that you use other carriers (e.g., FedEx, DHL, UPS).
Marketplace-specific SKU
A marketplace-specific SKU is managed as a marketplace-level inventory pool, which means you will manage distinct pools of inventory across the United States, Canada, and Mexico. You can create a marketplace-specific SKU by selectingUnique Offerwhen you go to create an offer in Seller Central. The listing is managed separately in each marketplace for both inventory and pricing.
Note:If you want to list a product on more than one marketplace, but you want to fulfill it yourself in one case and fulfill by Amazon in another, you need to create separate SKUs for your seller-fulfilled and Amazon-fulfilled listings.
If you are using Fulfillment by Amazon, you can use a marketplace-specific SKU and manage your inventory in Amazon fulfillment centers in the United States, Canada, and Mexico as separate pools. Please note that inventory going to U.S. fulfillment centers should be shipped from the Amazon.com section of your North America Unified Account and vice versa for Canada and Mexico. For example, if you have a FBA listing on the Canada marketplace, your "Ships from" address must be in Canada.
Note:When using inventory files in the North America Unified Account, it is critical to upload a value for the quantity of available inventory units. If the quantity column is left blank, it will be read as "0" by the system and will change the original listing to display "0" available units.
Jewelry & Precious Gems
Important:If you supply products for sale on Amazon, you must comply with all federal, state, and local laws and Amazon policies applicable to those products and product listings.
Examples of prohibited listings
Gold or silver products that are not stamped in compliance with applicable laws
Products that do not comply with the FTC’s Guides for the Jewelry, Precious Metals, and Pewter Industries
Irradiated gemstones, unless sale has been authorized by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission
Diamonds that do not comply with the Kimberley Process Certification Scheme
Clarity-enhanced white diamonds
Glass-filled rubies