亚马逊新西兰站商家自配送商品必须什么中国海关文档?:依据新西兰为了更好地对于创立地在新西兰海外的商家向新西兰地区顾客市场销售的中国海关补税价值不超过 1,000 新西兰元的商品(低价值商品 (LVG))征缴商品及服务项目税 (GST) 执行的法律法规,商家自主配送的包囊必须更多信息才可以在新西兰海关清关并配送给顾客。亚马逊服务平台对于得罪性和有异议的商品的相关要求得罪性和有异议的商品关键:假如您在亚马逊上市场销售商品,则必须要遵循适用商品和商品信息内容的全部联邦政府、州和地区法律法规及其亚马逊现行政策。亚马逊的得罪性商品现行政策适用除书籍、歌曲和影视制作之外的全部商品。亚马逊不允许市场销售
依据新西兰为了更好地对于创立地在新西兰海外的商家向新西兰地区顾客市场销售的中国海关补税价值不超过 1,000 新西兰元的商品(低价值商品 (LVG))征缴商品及服务项目税 (GST) 执行的法律法规,商家自主配送的包囊必须更多信息才可以在新西兰海关清关并配送给顾客。
我怎么保证低价值商品包囊可以在清关并配送至新西兰地区详细地址? 将低价值商品配送至新西兰时,我的税票或包囊应包括什么更多信息?
假如您的商家运营详细地址在新西兰海外,您随订单信息一起给予的中国海关文档务必包括您所推送商品的详细信息、亚马逊对于订单信息中每一件低价值商品代办的商品及服务项目税,及其代办商品及服务项目税的企业 ( Services LLC) 的新西兰商品及服务项目税法人代码。
我在哪里可以寻找新西兰商品及服务项目税法人代码,便于在进口的文档中包括此信息内容? Services LLC 的新西兰商品及服务项目税法人代码为 129-994-118。
我想将散件价值均不超过 1,000 新西兰元的多份商品配送至新西兰地区详细地址。全部商品的总额度超出 1,000 新西兰元。亚马逊将怎样对于这种商品测算商品及服务项目税?
在顾客提交订单时,亚马逊没法明确商品是将独立配送,或是一次性拖运。因而,假如您的创立地在新西兰海外,亚马逊会将订单信息中价值不超过 1,000 新西兰元的散件商品视作低价值商品,并对于这种商品及有关花费(包含运输费和礼品袋费)测算并代办 15% 的商品及服务项目税。您随订单信息一起给予的中国海关文档务必包括您所推送商品的详细信息、亚马逊对于订单信息中每一件低价值商品代办的商品及服务项目税,及其代办商品及服务项目税的企业 ( Services LLC) 的新西兰商品及服务项目税法人代码。
我卖出了一件价值超出 1,000 新西兰元的商品,而且安排发货详细地址在海外。我需要如何做才可以保证我的国际包裹配送至新西兰地区详细地址?
此商品不用交纳低价值商品的商品及服务项目税,由于其中国海关补税价值超出 1,000 新西兰元。可是,此商品很有可能必须交纳商品及服务项目税、进口关税和别的进口的解决花费。使得此商品可以在清关,您必须找您的承运人或获得您自身的税收提议来明确应付额度,以确保您给予的信息内容恰当准确无误,并确保您向承运人给予的资产足够付款这种花费。亚马逊不容易对于此商品测算、代办或代交社保一切应交的商品及服务项目税。
假如您要想将商品配送给新西兰地区的顾客并全自动给予对应的中国海关文档,可以挑选逐渐应用亚马逊货运物流 (FBA)方案和服务项目。
Ship to New Zealand required customs documentation for seller-fulfilled items
Due to the implementation of legislation in New Zealand to impose Goods and Services Tax (GST) on the sale of items that have a customs value of $1,000 NZD or less (Low Value Goods or LVG) sold by a seller with a place of establishment outside of New Zealand to customers in New Zealand, seller fulfilled packages will require additional information in order to clear customs in New Zealand and deliver to the customer.
How do I ensure that my LVG package clears customs and is delivered to a New Zealand address? What additional information do I need to include on my invoice or package when shipping LVG to New Zealand?
If your Merchant Business Address is not in New Zealand, the customs documentation you provide with the order must include the details of the products you are sending, the GST collected by Amazon for each LVG within the order, and the New Zealand GST registration number of the company collecting the GST ( Services LLC).
You can identify that an item is LVG prior to shipment on theOrder Detailspage when confirming the order on Seller Central.
Where can I find the New Zealand GST registration number in order to include this information on my import documents? Services LLC New Zealand GST registration number is 129-994-118.
I am shipping multiple items that are individually valued at $1,000 NZD or less to a New Zealand address. The total amount of the combined items is above $1,000 NZD. How will Amazon calculate GST on these items?
At the time of order, Amazon cannot determine whether items will be shipped separately or together as one consignment. Therefore, if your place of establishment is outside New Zealand, Amazon will treat individual items valued at $1,000 NZD or less in the order as LVG and will calculate and collect 15% GST on the items and on associated charges including shipping and gift wrap charges. The customs documentation that you provide with the order must include the details of the products you are sending, the GST collected by Amazon for each LVG within the order, and the New Zealand GST registration number of the company collecting the GST ( Services LLC).
I sold an item that is above $1,000 NZD that will be shipped from overseas. What do I need to do to make sure that my shipment is delivered to a New Zealand address?
This item would not be subject to LVG GST because its customs value is greater than $1,000 NZD. However, GST, customs duty, and other import processing charges may apply. To enable the item to clear customs you will need to contact your carrier or obtain your own tax advice to determine the amounts payable, ensure that you provide the right information, and ensure that you provide sufficient funds to the carrier to cover these amounts. Amazon will not calculate, collect or remit any GST payable for these items.
What are my other options?
If you want your items shipped to customers in New Zealand with the proper customs documentation automatically included, you have the option to get started withFulfillment by Amazon (FBA)programs and services.
大家有权利分辨是不是容许或严禁公布商品,并将在审批商品和拟定商品有关管理决策时考虑到全世界顾客人群及其文化冲突和比较敏感问题。 上严禁公布亚马逊判断为具备冒犯性的商品。亚马逊保存明确商品是不是合适在其平台上公布及其随时随地清除一切商品的支配权。假如您售卖的商品违背了咱们的冒犯性商品现行政策,大家将视状况采用纠正措施,包含但是不限于马上中止或停止产品管理权限、消毁营销中心内的有关库存量且不给予赔付、退回库存量、停止业务流程关联,及其永久性扣留市场销售账款(若有)。
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