亚马逊买家要求退货,让我给他call tag,提供pick up(上门取货)服务?
亚马逊买家要求退货,让我给他call tag,提供pick up(上门取货)服务?问题说明
有个买家要求退货,退货的理由是“Item defective or doesn’t work(物品缺损/出故障)”,我们就把pre-paid mailinglabel发给他,让他把货退给我们。可是这个买家却要求我们为他安排pick up(上门取件),还提交了A-Z claim。我们马上回复说,在买家把货退给我们之后,我们会退钱给他:“We provided two pre paid labels for both chairs so the customer could return the items. We have no problem refunding this order as soon as we receive the merchandise back to us.”然后亚马逊的回复是,我应该提供call tag,或者是给这个买家安排pick up:“We are writing to follow up with you regarding theGuarantee Claim that was filed for order 002-0390962-xxxxxxx. While werealize that you have provided your return address, we would ask you to issue a call tag/ pick up for the buyer as the order is damaged and is a heavy item.”怎么办?我要给这个买家安排pick up吗(他买的是两张摇椅,重量总共是52磅)?
既然买家提交了AZ说产品有问题,而且亚马逊也让你给他call tag,那我是建议你给他安排pick up服务如果你想解决这个AZ claim,你可以退款给这个买家,让他不用把货退回来,可以把这个有缺损的椅子捐赠掉,或者用其他方式处理掉
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既然买家提交了AZ说产品有问题,而且亚马逊也让你给他call tag,那我是建议你给他安排pick up服务
如果你想解决这个AZ claim,你可以退款给这个买家,让他不用把货退回来,可以把这个有缺损的椅子捐赠掉,或者用其他方式处理掉
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你可以去问一下当地的邮递公司,看一下他们有没有提供pick-up服务。如果有提供这项服务,你就让这个买家和邮递公司的客户服务部联系,说明退货的原因,让他们把call tag邮寄给他
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你用的是哪一个送货服务呢?像UPS、FedEx、DHL等都有提供“pick up(上门取件)”服务。你把label发给买家,等买家把包裹准备好之后,你打电话通知他们去取件。他们取完件之后会把商品寄给你的
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我们也碰到了这种事!但是我们把call tag发给买家之后,买家却说pickup的时间和她的工作时间冲突了,不让快递人员上门取货,然后就一直拖啊拖的,我猜他应该是不想把东西退给我,所以一直在找借口。。。
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你不用给买家call tag啊,因为你已经把pre-paid mailing label(有效的shipping label)发给他了,那USPS会上门取货的。如果这个买家因此给你差评,你可以联系亚马逊客服,看一下他们可不可以帮你解决问题
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如果你是用Priority mail或者Express mail发货的,那承运人(carrier)会帮忙上门取货的。
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我有个买家也是提交了AZ,我把prepaid label发给他,有发了三四次了,可是她还是要我提供pickup服务。我没有答应他的请求,而是把退货的有效期增加到了45天。最后是我赢了这个AZ claim。感觉自己的运气真是太好惹
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你不需要提供pick-up服务,但是,既然这个买家提交了AZ claim,为了你的评级不受到影响,你应该采取一些行动,表明你重视买家的请求。你可以通过亚马逊给买家发一封邮件:
“Dear Customer,
I understand that you would like a call tag for a pick-up of your return request. Please consider this note as your authorization to schedule pick-up as requested. We have provide a pre-paid return label through (carrier). The label is attached to this email (reattach the label that you already purchased). Please contact (carrier) by (directions) to schedule a pick-up that works with your schedule.
Please note that the return must be received back at the warehouse by (date) to insure a timely return as per Amazon standards. Once the item is received back, it will be inspected and a refund will be issued according to Amazon policy.
然后你可以给亚马逊的工作人员发邮件,让他们帮忙解决这个AZ claim:
“To A-Z Department,
Thank you for contacting us on the customer's behalf. We have provided the customer with a prepaid return label and with permission and instructions on how to schedule a pick-up for their item.
Please deny this claim because we are doing everything in our power to make the return of this item as easy as possible for the customer.
Thank you”
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ebay的pick up地址如何在后台设置呢