Amazon美国站账号被封成功申诉 过程Seller Performance Team逗逼很
Amazon美国站账号被封成功申诉 过程Seller Performance Team逗逼很问题说明
今天在坛子里看到一个美国卖家账号被封然后成功申诉的过程,这里分享给大家:On 7/29/15 we were suspended for Policy Violations and received the following performance notification from Amazon about our suspension.2015年7月29日,我们收到了来自亚马逊的违规封号邮件。Amazon Suspension Performance NotificationHello, We have removed your Amazon selling privileges because of buyer complaints about the items they received from you. Please see below for some examples of the listings we have received complaints about: Complaint Type: Item Not As Advertised ASIN: XXXXXXXXXXComplaint Type: Incomplete Item ASIN: XXXXXXXXXX To maintain a trusted marketplace for buyers and sellers, we take immediate action when we identify a buyer complaint regarding the condition and authenticity of products. You can view previous emails about buyer complaints on the Performance Notifications section of Seller Central ( ... .html/). What you can do If you would like your selling privileges reinstated, respond to this message and let us know. When you respond, include a plan of action that contains the following: 1. Description of the issues that caused the complaints. 2. Explanation of the steps you have taken to resolve the issues and ensure that similar complaints won’t happen again. 3. Any additional details you would like us to know. To find more information on how to submit your plan of action, search “Appeal the Removal of Selling Privileges” in Seller Central Help. Still have questions? You can ask our Seller Support team: Contact us ( ... rmance). What happens next We’ll review the information you send and get back to you with an answer within 2 business days. When we respond, we may ask you for additional details or to revise your plan of action. If your plan of action sufficiently addresses the complaints, we will consider reinstating your selling privileges. While your account is restricted, we will place a reserve on your funds. Any amounts paid for A-to-z Guarantee claims and chargebacks on your orders may be deducted from the funds in your account. If you have questions about these funds, write to Please understand that if you are unable to submit a sufficient plan of action within 17 days, we may remove your listings and continue the reserve on your funds. Learn more Sellers should understand our policies regarding product condition and descriptions. To learn more, search “Prohibited Seller Activities and Actions”, “Product Detail Page Rules”, and “Condition Guidelines” in Seller Central Help. We appreciate your cooperation.Sincerely, Seller Performance Team 此邮件告知这位卖家你被买家举报了,有两款产品违规。一个是描述不符,一个是未完成的ITEM。那么被封过号的小伙伴都知道,亚马逊一般都不会把问题很明确的告诉你,但是总会给你点提示,让你自己开脑洞去找。那么接下来,是这位卖家的申诉邮件,极其的专业,小伙伴如有遇到相同问题可以借鉴一下。On 8/4/15 we submitted our appeal letter to Amazon Seller Performance Team. Here is the letter we submitted.8月4号,我们写了一封申诉邮件去亚马逊。Appeal Letter to Amazon Seller Performance TeamDear Seller Performance Team, We recognize and understand the mistakes we made to bring us to this point. These are our mistakes 1. Listing products that do not match the detail page 100%. 2. Failure to include appropriate quantities for product we listed against, as described on the detail page. 3. Failure fulfill products that match the detail page’s specification including but not limited to height, length, width, weight, color, material, brand, unique product identifier, functionality and authenticity of the product. 4. Improperly identify products we created listings for. Example: We didn’t provide full explanation that our products are the material we actually stated them; sometimes lacking any claim to material integrity at all. 5. Failure to comply with image and description compliance. Example: Our main images do not have white backgrounds with only the product in the image. Our descriptions were not full enough to provide the customer with full information to make a confident purchase on This results in unsatisfied customer upon receipt of the item. Steps we have taken and will continue to take: 1. We have removed all listings that are not within policy. We will not relist until a full analysis of all ASINs. Only when the product matches the ASIN 100% will we then list the product for sale. There will be a two person review of appropriate item being packaged for delivery in an Excel type checklists that the fulfillment team can log, record, and track. If the product does not match the product detail page 100% we will delete product form our account. 2. We have gone through all our warehouse inventory and have taken out all items that show any signs of damage or defectiveness. This has ensured all products are ‘new’ as described on the detail page. 3. We have re-written the description and bullet points to improve accuracy of the item’s presentation to standards. 4. We have re-written all weights, dimensions and quantity per order. 5. We have re-photographed all items that are not displaying the product accurate enough.Please let us know what should be done to reinstate our account, we are looking forward to hearing from you. Sincerely, XXXXXXXXXXXX这里基本上把自己能找到的错误全部列给了亚马逊看,就算很细小的问题也全部列出来,以示诚意。然后接下来以非常详细的步骤说出收到邮件后第一时间的操作以及以后将如何避免。在申诉信发出,收到亚马逊自动回复的邮件之后,这位卖家去做了以下几件事:1.移除了问题ASIN的库存2.开始把所有主图都慢慢换成RGB:255.255.255的纯白色背景3.把产品的详情描述写的更详细,更写实4.联系留差评的买家尝试改善评价发出申诉信之后的10天,还是没有收到亚马逊的回复,于是乎这位卖家又发了一封邮件:Dear Seller Performance Team,Our account was suspended 7/29/15. We sent in our appeal letter on8/4/15. We have not received a response from seller performance team. Can you please give us a update of our appeal?Thank you for your time.Sincerely,XXXXXXXXXX意思就是我的账号29号被封的,8月4号发了一封申诉信,但是还没收到回复。能否给点消息。此时这位卖家自述说,实话说,他也不确定这封信能否可以起到一点作用,但是在8月17日,收到了来自亚马逊的邮件:Reinstatement letter from Amazon Seller Performance TeamHello,After reviewing your account and the information you have provided, we have decided to reinstate your selling privileges. For performance improvement tips, search on “Seller Best Practices” in seller Help. Please note that if your performance does not improve, your selling privileges may be removed. Welcome back to selling on; we wish you the best of luck. 意思就是说,亚马逊已经恢复了他的销售权,果然功夫不负有心人!但是逗比的事情又发生了,在8月18日,也就是申诉回来的第二天,又收到了来自亚马逊的第二封封号邮件:2nd Suspension LetterHello, Upon further review, we have canceled your listings and extended the temporary hold on any funds in your seller account. Any new selling accounts you open will be closed. We took this action because you have not provided us with a viable plan of action. We encourage you to take appropriate steps to resolve any pending orders. Note that any amounts paid as a result of A-to-z Guarantee claims and chargebacks may be deducted from your seller account. After 90 days, the hold will be removed and any remaining funds will be available per your settlement schedule. In addition, balance and settlement information will be available in the Payments section of your seller account. If you have questions about these funds, please write If you would like to appeal this decision, please visit the Notifications page in the Performance section of your account, find this message in the list of notifications, and click the Appeal button ( ... s.html). For information on creating an appeal, search on “Appeal the Removal of Selling Privileges” in seller Help.Sincerely, Seller Performance Team原因是因为没有解释对于账号或者运营可行性的计划,说白了其实就是不止一个人在审核申诉,也许是两个客服互相逗比了。。。。没有看到申诉信,醉了。收到之后的同一天,买家再次发送了同一封申诉信过去并且附上了之前一名客服恢复账号的邮件给这个逗比客服。第二天,账号终于正式被恢复了。长达半个月的申诉战役宣告结束。
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