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2022-03-16 18:44:51 跨境问答


Your Amazon seller account has been deactivated. Your listings have been removed from our site. Funds in your account may be held for 90 days or longer. Amazon may withhold payments if we determine that your account was used to sell inauthentic or prohibited goods, commit fraud, or engage in other illegal or abusive activity. Please ship any open orders to avoid further impact to your account. Why is this happening? You have manipulated customer reviews on your products. This is against our policies. Learn more about this policy in Seller Central Help . This policy prohibits activities such as: -- creating, modifying, or posting reviews or community content regarding your own products or services -- creating, modifying, or posting reviews or community content regarding your competitors' products or services -- offering compensation for customer reviews -- offering compensation, including free or discounted products, in exchange for creating, modifying, or posting reviews or community content. You can see your balance and settlement information in the Payments section of Seller Central. If you have questions about those, please write to payments-funds@amazon.com. Has your account been deactivated in error? If you believe there has been an error, please submit an explanation. Your explanation should include the following information: -- Evidence or examples that demonstrate your account complies with our policies. How do I send this information? If you want to appeal this decision, click the Appeal button next to this message on the Performance Notifications page in Seller Central  After 90 days following this notification, you may separately request a funds disbursement by contacting disbursement-appeals@amazon.com. We will conduct a separate investigation to evaluate your account. If we find that you have engaged in deceptive, fraudulent, or illegal activity, or have abused our systems or repeatedly violated our Policies that protect our customers and selling partners, we may withhold some or all funds in your account. 前端时间收到了该邮件,说我的店铺操作评论,直接封了账号。我是第一次刷单被抓到,这样能申诉回来吗?





我看了下  我应该没问题的


我看了下  我应该没问题的
