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2022-03-23 20:00:28 跨境问答

在欧盟 (EU) 销售酒精的适用法律和法规如果您在欧盟开展业务,或者您向欧盟的客户销售酒精产品,则您需要遵守您宣传或销售酒精产品所在的任何管辖区的所有适用法律。在欧盟销售酒精产品前,您必须遵守以下法律




在欧盟 (EU) 销售酒精的适用法律和法规


  • Regulation (EU) No 1169/2011((EU) No 1169/2011 号法规)。

  • Council Directive 92/83/EEC(欧洲理事会指令 92/83/EEC)。

  • 您有意在其中生产、营销或销售产品的任何成员国的法律。


  • 您必须确保您的产品标签包含所有必需的披露内容,例如成分列表和营养成分标示。

  • 您必须支付对酒精和酒精饮品征收的所有相关的消费税。

  • 您必须具备有效的年龄验证措施,以确保年龄低于相关管辖区法定年龄的人群无法购买或接收酒精产品。

  • 您必须确保在宣传、营销和销售酒精产品时完全遵守您业务的管辖区和客户管辖区的所有适用法律要求。



  • 酒精标签

  • European Commission Guidance on Alcohol(《欧盟委员会酒精指南》)

  • Excise Duty on Alcohol(《酒精消费税》)

在英国 (UK) 销售酒精的适用法律和法规


在英格兰和威尔士销售或供应酒精(无论是线下还是线上)的公司、组织和个人均需要遵守 Licensing Act 2003(《2003 年许可法》)制定的规定和条例。


  • 您必须获取和维护销售酒精所需的所有必要许可证。

  • 您必须完全遵守所有适用的许可要求。

  • 您必须具备有效的年龄验证措施,以确保 18 岁以下的人群无法在线或通过手机购买或接收酒精产品。您可以按照 PAS 1296: 2018 规定的标准来帮助您的公司验证相关人员的年龄。

  • 您在运输和配送酒精产品时必须完全遵守您业务的管辖区和客户管辖区的适用法律。

  • 您必须确保所有进口酒精产品都有关税戳(如果需要)。



  • 酒精许可

  • Publicly Available Specification (PAS) code of practice standard no. 1296 on online age checking(关于在线年龄检查的公开可用规范 (PAS) 实践标准第 1296 号)。PAS 1296:2018 是英国标准协会和数字政策联盟制定的面向在线年龄验证服务提供商的实施规程。

  • Selling Alcohol Online: Age Verification & The Law(在线销售酒精:年龄验证与法律)


Laws and regulations for selling alcohol in the European Union (EU)

If your business is located in the European Union, or if you sell alcohol products to customers in the European Union, then you're required to follow all applicable laws in any jurisdiction where your alcohol products are advertised or sold. Before you sell an alcohol product in the European Union, you must comply with the following:

  • Regulation (EU) No 1169/2011.

  • Council Directive 92/83/EEC.

  • The laws of any member state where you intend to produce, market, or sell your products.

Each EU jurisdiction has different requirements for alcohol, including but not limited to the following commonly cited requirements for merchants:

  • You must ensure that labels on your products include all required disclosures, such as the list of ingredients and nutrition declaration.

  • You must comply with all relevant excise duties imposed on alcohol and alcoholic beverages.

  • You must have effective age verification practices so that alcohol products can't be purchased or received by people who are under the legal age in the relevant jurisdiction.

  • You must ensure that how you advertise, market, and sell your alcohol products adhere to all applicable legal requirements in your jurisdiction and your customers' jurisdiction.

Resources about selling alcohol in the European Union

You can find specific information online about selling alcohol products in the European Union, such as the following resources:

  • Alcohol labeling

  • European Commission Guidance on Alcohol

  • Excise Duty on Alcohol

Laws and regulations for selling alcohol in the United Kingdom (UK)

If your business is located in the United Kingdom, or if you sell alcohol products to customers in the United Kingdom, then you're required to follow all applicable federal, county, and local laws in any jurisdiction where your alcohol products are advertised or sold.

For businesses, organizations, and individuals who sell or supply alcohol in England and Wales, both in-store and online, you need to follow the rules and regulations set by the Licensing Act 2003.

If you sell, distribute or ship alcohol products in the United Kingdom, then consider these commonly cited requirements:

  • You must acquire and maintain all necessary licenses that are required to sell alcohol.

  • You must remain in full compliance with all applicable licensure requirements.

  • You must have effective age verification practices so that alcohol products can't be purchased or received online or by phone by people who are under the age of 18. You can follow the standards set forth by PAS 1296: 2018 to help your business prove a person's age.

  • You must ship and deliver alcohol products in full compliance with applicable laws of the jurisdiction of your business and your customers' jurisdiction.

  • You must make sure that any alcohol that is imported includes a duty stamp, if required.

Resources about selling alcohol in the United Kingdom

You can find additional specific information online about selling alcohol products in the United Kingdom, such as the following resources:

  • Alcohol licensing

  • Publicly Available Specification (PAS) code of practice standard no. 1296 on online age checking. PAS 1296:2018 is a Code of Practice for Online Age Verification service providers developed by the British Standards Institute and the Digital Policy Alliance.

  • Selling Alcohol Online: Age Verification & The Law.
