在澳大利亚销售酒精的适用法律和法规如果您在澳大利亚开展业务,或者您向澳大利亚的客户销售酒精产品,则您需要遵守您宣传或销售酒精产品所在的任何管辖区的所有适用的州或领地法律。在澳大利亚,您必须遵守Ad s
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在澳大利亚,您必须遵守 Ad standards guidelines for advertising alcohol products(宣传酒精产品的广告标准指南)和 ABAC Responsible Alcohol Marketing Code(ABAC 有责任的酒精营销准则)规定的酒精促销和营销政策。
您必须具备有效的年龄验证措施,以确保 18 岁以下的人群无法购买或接收酒精产品。
例如,如果您在新西兰销售酒精产品,则必须遵守 Sale and Supply of Alcohol Act, 2012(《2012 年酒精销售和供应法》)。在新西兰销售酒精产品之前,您应查看所有其他适用法规。
您必须具备有效的年龄验证措施,以确保 18 岁以下的人群无法购买或接收酒精产品。
您必须确保您的促销和营销材料未鼓励过量饮酒且未鼓励 18 岁以下的人群饮酒。
Laws and regulations for selling alcohol in Australia
If your business is located in Australia, or if you sell alcohol products to customers in Australia, then you're required to follow all applicable state or territory laws in any jurisdiction where your alcohol products are advertised or sold.
In Australia, you must comply with policies for promoting and marketing alcohol set forth by the Ad standards guidelines for advertising alcohol products, and the ABAC Responsible Alcohol Marketing Code.
Each state or territory has different requirements for alcohol, including but not limited to the following commonly cited requirements:
You must have effective age verification practices so that alcohol products can't be purchased or received by people who are under the age of 18.
You must follow packaging and labeling requirements.
You must ship and deliver alcohol products in full compliance with applicable laws of the jurisdiction of your business and your customers’ jurisdiction.
You must ensure that how you advertise, market, and sell your alcohol products adhere to all legal requirements in your jurisdiction and your customers’ jurisdiction.
Learn more about alcohol laws in Australia.
Laws and regulations for selling alcohol in New Zealand
If your business is located in New Zealand, or if you sell alcohol products to customers in New Zealand, then you're required to follow all applicable federal and local laws in any jurisdiction where your alcohol products are advertised or sold.
For example, if you sell alcohol products in New Zealand, then you must follow the Sale and Supply of Alcohol Act, 2012. Before you sell an alcohol product in New Zealand, you should review all other applicable pieces of legislation.
If you sell, distribute or ship alcohol products in New Zealand, then consider these commonly cited requirements:
You must have effective age verification practices so that alcohol products can't be purchased or received by people who are under the age of 18.
You must make sure that your promotions and marketing materials limit the encouragement of excessive alcohol consumption and drinking by people who are under the age of 18.
You must ship and deliver alcohol products in full compliance with applicable laws of the jurisdiction of your business and your customers' jurisdiction.
Resources about selling alcohol in New Zealand
You can find specific information online about selling alcohol products in New Zealand, such as the following resources:
Alcohol delivery laws
New Zealand alcohol laws