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amazonFBA危险品审核步骤是哪样的?:危险品精英团队会审核每一个已变换为amazon派送的 ASIN(假如商品被确认为潜在性危险品)。该类审核有利于保证国际包裹合乎政策法规规定和对于顾客和amazon职工拟定的检测标准。亚马逊官方发布杀虫剂和杀虫剂机器设备市场销售要求杀虫剂和杀虫剂机器设备关键:假如您在亚马逊商城市场销售商品,则必须要遵循适用这种商品和商品信息的全部联邦政府、州和地区法律法规及其amazon现行政策。在国外,杀虫剂和杀虫剂机器设备务必遵循《联邦政府杀虫剂、农药杀菌剂及灭老鼠剂法》(通称“




危险品精英团队会审核每一个已变换为amazon派送的 ASIN(假如商品被确认为潜在性危险品)。该类审核有利于保证国际包裹合乎政策法规规定和对于顾客和amazon职工拟定的检测标准。


假如文件目录信息产生变化,很有可能还要再度开展审核。随后,大家也许会再次对商品开展归类,也很有可能规定您递交安全性数据分析表 (SDS) 或商品成份信息表。


针对具备详细且恰当的危险品信息的商品,大家将在四个工作中日内对它进行审核和归类。(工作中日为周一至周五,不包括节假日日。) 信息不详细、不确切或互相矛盾的商品很有可能会被冻洁,没法根据亚马逊物流开展市场销售。



关键:假如您的商品被确认为潜在性危险品,而库存量已存储在亚马逊运营核心,大家将根据邮件通告您。您必须在 14 个工作中日内给予所规定的文档。假如您在这段时间未给予有关文档,大家将废置库存量,花费由您担负。

应用【搜索 ASIN】 专用工具可查询您的亚马逊物流 ASIN 的归类情况(归属于危险品还是是非非危险品,或是是不是必须您给予其他文件)。



商品必须充电电池才可以正常的应用,但您在建立 ASIN 或宝贝详情面时未给予详尽的充电电池信息。缺乏详尽开关电源信息的商品也有可能会被标识为必须接纳危险品审核。



提交一切文档后,您可以应用以上【搜索 ASIN】 专用工具查验您的亚马逊物流 ASIN 的归类情况。假如您的 ASIN 被再次归类,且您在营销中心有库存量,大家将根据邮件通告您。




FBA dangerous goods review process (hazmat)

The Dangerous Goods team reviews each ASIN converted toFulfilled by Amazonif the product is identified as a possible dangerous good. These reviews help ensure that shipments meet regulatory requirements and safety standards for customers and Amazon employees.

Catalog information is the main way that we identify a possible dangerous good. That’s why complete and accurate information must be provided when you create a listing or convert it to FBA. This includes a detailed product description, bullet points, and pictures, images, or both.

If the catalog information changes, another review may be required. The product may then be reclassified, or you may be required to submit either a safety data sheet (SDS) or an exemption sheet.

Review time and potential requirements (SDS or exemption sheet)

Products with complete and correct dangerous goods information will be reviewed and classified within four business days. (Business days are Monday through Friday, excluding public holidays.) Products with incomplete, inaccurate, or conflicting information may be blocked for sale through FBA.

In either case, you may be required toupload an SDS or an exemption sheet. Exemption sheets are for batteries and battery-powered products, and for products without harmful chemicals.

Providing a complete and valid SDS when you create your FBA listing will help you avoid delays. For more information, seeDangerous goods required information and documentation (hazmat).

Important:If your product is identified as a possible dangerous good while inventory is already in an Amazon fulfillment center, we will notify you by email. You will have 14 business days to provide the requested documentation. If the documentation is not provided during this period, the inventory will be disposed of, at your expense.

Use theLook up an ASINtool to check the classification status of your FBA ASIN (dangerous good or non-dangerous good, or if further documentation is required from you).

Why your product is under review and possible next steps

Here are potential reasons for product review:

The product requires a battery to function, but detailed battery information wasn’t provided when you created the ASIN or the detail page. Products that lack detailed power-source information also may be flagged for dangerous goods review.

Batteries are mentioned on the product detail page or in buyer reviews. In this case, you must complete and upload a battery exemption sheet. To start, go to theupload dangerous documents tool. Next, find your preferred language on the right side of the page and download the exemption sheet template.

Your product may contain or be sold with other possible hazardous items (such as screen cleaner or aerosol). In this case, obtain an SDS from the manufacturer or supplier, thenupload it.

Once any documents have been uploaded, you can use theLook up an ASINtool above to check the classification status of your FBA ASIN. If your ASIN is reclassified and you have inventory in a fulfillment center, we’ll notify you by email.

Once the review is complete, verify that you have converted your product to FBA. If not, then convert your product.

If you disagree with the results of your product review, upload a new SDS or exemption sheet that supports your claim.






在美国,杀虫剂和杀虫剂机器设备务必遵守《联邦政府杀虫剂、农药杀菌剂及灭老鼠剂法》(通称“FIFRA”)及其适合的州和地区法律法规,包含申请注册和贴标签规定。杀虫剂和杀虫剂机器设备包含: (1) 全部用于防止、解决、祛除或降低一切虫害的商品及其 (2) 全部做出一切抑菌剂、抗真菌剂、抗菌剂、除霉剂或杀虫剂声明的商品。



















没经申请注册的化肥(比如,除虫铅笔、Tres Pasitos)



在 EPA 申请注册加工厂以外的别的地址或厂家中生产制造,而且标识上缺乏清楚可见的 EPA 加工厂识别码或做出虚报或虚假性声明的杀虫剂设备







依照amazon现行政策未获准许知名品牌的驱蚊手环和驱蚊贴。已获准许的知名品牌: Bugables、BugBand、BuggyBands、BuggyBeds、Cliganic、Coleman、Cutter、Evergreen Research、Mosquitno、Mosquito Guard、OFF!、Ortho、Para’Kito、Pic、Repel、RiptGear、Safer Brand、Sawyer、Scentpellent、Summit、Superband、Terro、Thermacell






美国食品类药监局管控的人用和猪用药品(客户程序受到限制商品: 药品和药品用品)



要市场销售这种商品,必须得到amazon的准许。依据amazon的现行政策,仅有美国住户才可以在 Amazon.com 上公布杀虫剂商品。要申请办理准许,请实行下列实际操作:


检索您要市场销售的 ASIN。

在百度搜索中,点一下该 ASIN 相匹配的【存有商品公布限定】连接。


转至商家高校后,请进行学习培训并得到 80% 或更高一些的成绩。



或是,您可以点一下此链接,应用实例 ASIN(您无须公布此 ASIN 相匹配的商品,但可以运用它来申请办理准许)逐渐学习培训,随后进行以上第 5 到第 7 步。



Pesticides and Pesticide Devices

Important:If you supply products for sale on Amazon, you must comply with all federal, state, and local laws and Amazon policies applicable to those products and product listings.

In the United States, pesticides and pesticide devices must comply with the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act (“FIFRA”) and applicable state and local laws, including registration and labeling requirements. Pesticides and pesticide devices include: (1) any product intended for preventing, destroying, repelling, or mitigating any pest and (2) any product that makes any antimicrobial, antifungal, antibacterial, anti-mold, or pesticide claim.

Common examples of conventional pesticides include:






Antimicrobial pesticides

Common examples of pesticide devices include:

Ultraviolet Light Units

Sound Generators

Insect Traps

Ground Vibrators

Water Treatment Units

Air Treatment Units

Note that, products that make any antimicrobial, antifungal, antibacterial, or other pesticidal claim (for example, products marketed to disinfect, repel insects, remove allergens, or prevent bacteria), may be considered pesticides or pesticide devices under EPA regulations, even if the products would not otherwise be considered pesticides or pesticide devices under the EPA’s definition of a pesticide. For more information, seehttps://www.epa.gov/pesticides.

Examples of permitted listings

Pesticides and pesticide devices that comply with FIFRA and all applicable state and local laws, including registration and labeling requirements.

Examples of prohibited listings

Unregistered pesticides (for example, insecticide chalk, tres pasitos)

Pesticide products and pesticide devices sold by non-U.S. residents

Pesticide products not intended for sale in the U.S. (these may look like recognized brands, but they do not have an EPA registration or establishment number)

Pesticide devices that were manufactured in a location or facility other than an EPA-registered establishment, that lack a clearly visible EPA establishment number on the label, or that make false or misleading claims

Restricted use pesticides, which are not to be available for purchase or use by the general public

Products labeled for professional use only

Products labeled for use by individuals/firms licensed or registered by the state to apply termiticide products

Products not registered with the EPA and all applicable state and local laws that make a pesticide claim, including those that may be subject to specific state registration requirements, unless subject to one of the limited exclusions below

Pesticide products that make false or misleading claims or are otherwise misbranded (for example, claims regarding the safety of the pesticide or its ingredients, such as “safe”, “non-poisonous", “non-injurious”, “harmless”, “non-toxic”, or “all natural”)

Pesticide products that make public health claims (for example, products marketed to control or mitigate any disease, infection, or pathological condition)

Mosquito repellent bracelets and stickers that are not approved brands per Amazon policy. Approved Brands: Bugables, BugBand, BuggyBands, BuggyBeds, Cliganic, Coleman, Cutter, Evergreen Research, Mosquitno, Mosquito Guard, OFF!, Ortho, Para’Kito, Pic, Repel, RiptGear, Safer Brand, Sawyer, Scentpellent, Summit, Superband, Terro, Thermacell

Pesticide products that are in broken packaging or are being sold in a quantity or amount different from what is listed on the label approved by the EPA

Are any products excluded from EPA registration requirements?

Exclusions from EPA registration requirements are narrow and primarily apply to:

Items treated with a pesticide that has been registered for that use and that do not make any public health claims or pesticide claims beyond preservation of the article itself (see EPA requirements forTreated Articles)

Pesticide products made exclusively from a specific list of active and inert ingredients and that meet specific labeling and other requirements (see EPA requirements forMinimum Risk Pesticides)

Human and animal drugs regulated by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (seeRestricted products: Drugs & drug paraphernalia)

Please also remember that some pesticides may be hazardous materials and therefore ineligible for Fulfillment by Amazon. For more information, please review theDangerous goods identification guide.

How to apply to sell these products on Amazon

Approval from Amazon is required to sell these products. As per Amazon policy, only U.S. residents are eligible to list pesticide products on Amazon.com. To apply for approval:

In Seller Central, selectInventoryand clickAdd a Product.

Run a search for the ASIN you wish to sell.

In the search results, click theListing limitations applylink across from the ASIN.

ClickRequest Approvalto start the application process.

Once redirected to Seller University, complete the training with an 80% or higher score.

Once you have passed the training, clickContinuefrom the Results page and clickExit the Course.

Once redirected to the application workflow, check the box to agree to the Guaranty and clickSubmit.

Alternatively, you can clickthis linkto start the training using a sample ASIN (you are under no obligation to list against this ASIN, but can use it to trigger an approval request), then complete steps 5 through 7 above.

Note:Sellers are required to complete this course prior to listing pesticides on Amazon.

