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亚马逊平台如何保障卖家的账户信息安全,亚马逊官方——汽运零担 (LTL) 和汽运零担(FTL) 货件对承运人的要求

2021-12-12 20:12:40 其他跨境

亚马逊怎样确保卖家的账户信息安全性,亚马逊官方——汽运零担 (LTL) 和汽运零担(FTL) 国际包裹对承运人的规定引言

亚马逊怎样确保卖家的账户信息安全性?:确保您的账户信息安全性您的账户安全性对人们来讲十分关键,因为它对您的业务流程尤为重要。大家建议遵循最佳实践来提高您amazon账户的安全系数:卖家服务平台 - 安全系数最佳实践为您的全部amazon账户设定双重认证。您可以根据亚马逊官方——汽运零担 (LTL) 和汽运零担(FTL) 国际包裹对承运人的规定在本网页页面,您将掌握amazon就寄往亚马逊运营核心的汽运零担 (LTL) 和整车物流 (FTL) 国际包裹对您的承运人明确提出的规定。大家建议及您的承运人熟识这种规定。

亚马逊平台如何保障卖家的账户信息安全,亚马逊官方——汽运零担 (LTL) 和汽运零担(FTL) 货件对承运人的要求




卖家服务平台 - 安全系数最佳实践
























Keeping Your Account Information Secure

The security of your account is important to us because it is central to your business. We recommend the following best practices to reinforce the security of your Amazon account:

Seller Central - Security best practices

Set upTwo-Step Verificationfor all of your Amazon accounts. You can reinforce your password security in this way as you are required to enter an additional code from your phones when signing in to your account. This can greatly reduce the risk of unauthorized access if the password is compromised.

Pick strong passwords that are different for each of your accounts andchange your passwordregularly.

Choosing the same password for each of your online accounts is like using the same key to lock your home, car, and office – if a criminal gains access to one, all of them are compromised.

Use a long password made up of numbers, letters, and symbols.

Avoid using publicly-available information (For example: your phone number) in your passwords.

Make sure that the email address or the mobile number that you use to sign-in to your account is up-to-date. For more information on how to change your email address or password, seeChange Login Settings.

If your business hasmultiple users, then have each user set up their own account and then link your accounts.Ensure that you regularly review secondary users who have access to your account and revoke access to users who no longer need access.

Review your Notification Settings and ensure that you have the required setup to receive notifications of important actions being taken on your account. Beware of phishing. Amazon never asks you to verify sensitive information via email. Submit such information only when completing an order on our website, registering to sell on Amazon, or updating account information in Seller Central.

If you are ever in doubt about the authenticity of an email, visit our site directly by typing the address into your browser bar, rather than clicking any links.

To find out more about Amazon's efforts to combat fraudulent email, refer to theIdentifying false (spoofed) e-mailshelp page.

If your account has been compromised

If you believe your Amazon account has been compromised, follow the steps below:

Change your Seller Central login password. If you are not able to login to your account, contact Seller Support.

Review the following information in your account to determine if any changes have been made:

Email address preferences

Payment information

User permissions

Amazon storefront details

Listing and condition notes

Your email account might have been compromised as well. Consider changing the email address associated with your account and use a different password for your email account.

If you receive emails or links that you suspect are phishing attempts, report them tostop-spoofing@amazon.com. For more information, refer to thishelp page.

Contact Seller Support to report that your account has been compromised.


亚马逊平台如何保障卖家的账户信息安全,亚马逊官方——汽运零担 (LTL) 和汽运零担(FTL) 货件对承运人的要求

亚马逊官方——汽运零担 (LTL) 和汽运零担(FTL) 国际包裹对承运人的规定


在本网页页面,您将掌握amazon就寄往亚马逊营销中心的汽运物流零担 (LTL) 和整车物流 (FTL) 货件对您的承运人明确提出的规定。大家建议及您的承运人熟识这种规定。






承运人务必在提单中涉及或随附货件跟踪识别码(亚马逊订购单目录)、货件识别码和跟踪 (PRO) 编号的详细目录。亚马逊在安排交货预约时必须这种信息内容。货件跟踪识别码和货件识别码可在运送步骤的【一览】网页页面寻找。PRO 编号必须向您的承运人索要。






关键:货件中的任何产品务必在货件初次逐渐接受产品后的 7 天内送到。7 天之后递交的一切送货要求都将被拒绝。



亚马逊营销中心不接纳未安排预约的汽运物流零担/整车物流货件或小包囊快递公司货件。假如承运人比安排的预约時间晚了 30 分鐘或以上才将货品送到,亚马逊将拒绝接收货品且不担负一切有关花费。承运人必须递交新的预约要求并得到许可才可以试着再次送货。


承运人必须在送货前最少 24 钟头安排送货预约。



留意:仅有当全部具体运输的货件都明确后,承运人才可以申请提早预约。针对单独一个货件,承运人较多只可以申请办理 3 次预约。






亚马逊会在 24 钟头内回应承运人的申请办理,并依据具体情况安排送货预约的日期和時间。亚马逊安排的时间段很有可能与承运人最开始申请办理的时间段不一样。














Carrier requirements for LTL and FTL deliveries

On this page, you will learn what is required of your carriers for less than truckload (LTL) and full truckload (FTL) deliveries to Amazon fulfillment centers. We recommend that you, as well as your carrier, become familiar with these requirements.

Related guidelines

For additional requirements for LTL and FTL deliveries, seeSeller requirements for LTL, FTL, and FCL deliveriesandFloor loading policy.

For weight, dimension, and shipment packing requirements, review theShipping and routing requirements.

For smaller shipments that are individually labeled for delivery, seeSmall parcel delivery to Amazon.

When you select a carrier, you are responsible for making sure it complies with the requirements below. The failure of a carrier to comply with these terms may cause the delivery to be refused.

The carrier must have a complete list of Amazon reference IDs (PO lists), shipment IDs, and tracking (PRO) numbers included on or with the bill of lading (BOL). Amazon will require this information when scheduling a dock appointment. Reference and shipment IDs are found on theSummarypage of the shipping workflow. PRO numbers are obtained from your carrier.

The carrier must communicate box and pallet counts before an appointment will be scheduled. The fulfillment center may request unit counts if they are provided to the carrier. Floor-loaded trailers should be indicated on the carrier freight bill and when requesting an appointment.

Upon arriving at the fulfillment center, the carrier must provide a physical BOL that meets Amazon requirements. Alternatively, the carrier may use an electronic BOL if a soft copy is provided to the fulfillment center prior to the scheduled shipment arrival.

If shipping through theAmazon Partnered Carrier program, you will need to provide the carrier with the Amazon-generated BOL. The Amazon-generated BOL is available on theTracking eventstab in the shipmentSummarypage, the morning of your scheduled pickup. The carrier will need this BOL to schedule a delivery appointment for your shipment. You can additionally download a blank BOL to fill in for your partnered carrier shipment here. For more information, seeSeller requirements for LTL, FTL, and FCL deliveries.

Scheduling delivery appointments

The carrier you select to deliver your shipment will need to schedule an advanced delivery appointment. Please ensure that both you and your carrier complete any required steps prior to requesting a delivery appointment.

Important:All units on a shipment must be delivered within 7 days of when the shipment first begins to receive units. Any delivery requests submitted after 7 days may be rejected.

Amazon does not allow general public deliveries. Only professional carriers are allowed to make delivery appointments at Amazon fulfillment centers.

All carriers must register with Amazon before appointments will be granted.

No LTL/FTL or SPD shipments will be accepted at an Amazon fulfillment center without a scheduled appointment. If the carrier misses the scheduled appointment by 30 minutes or more, the freight will be refused at no cost to Amazon. A new appointment request will need to be submitted and approved by the carrier for attempted re-delivery.

Carriers must adhere to Amazon's delivery requirements and safety standards.

Carriers are required to schedule a delivery appointment no less than 24 hours ahead of delivery.

Carriers should schedule a single appointment per physical delivery once the final number of shipments expected is determined.

If a shipment is delayed because of weather, the carrier must notify Amazon. Appropriate schedule changes will be made based on availability.

Note:Carriers should only request advance appointments once all shipments that will be physically delivered have been determined. Carriers can only request up to 3 appointments for a single shipment.

Important:Scheduling multiple appointments for the same physical delivery, or providing incorrect shipment information, may cause appointments to be deleted, delay your shipment, and can result in a suspension of shipping privileges. For more information, see the “Dos & Don'ts” section on theCarrier Central user manual.

To schedule a delivery appointment, follow these steps:

Ensure your carrier has an accurate BOL for your shipment. For more information, seeSeller requirements for LTL, FTL, and FCL deliveries.

Provide your carrier theCarrier Central user manual.

Have your carrier create an account (if it doesn’t already have one) and sign in toCarrier Centralto request an appointment.

Amazon will respond to your carrier's request within 24 hours, at which time it will schedule a delivery appointment date and time based on availability. This time may differ from the time that was originally requested.

Important:When scheduling appointments, carriers need to explicitly mention the shipments are for Fulfillment by Amazon and provide the FBA Shipment ID (found in theSummarypage of the shipping workflow). This will help expedite appointment scheduling and help ensure accurate receipt of your inventory.

Floor loaded shipments

Note:If you are using Amazon's Partnered Carrier Program for LTL/FTL deliveries, place your shipment on pallets. Our partnered carriers do not accept floor loaded shipments (shipments not on pallets).

For all LTL/FTL shipments, Amazon fulfillment centers prefer shipments on pallets. If you cannot place your shipment on pallets for any reason, your carrier must select Floor Loaded as the load type when booking an appointment at the fulfillment center. For more information about floor loading, see theFloor loading policy.

Vehicle condition

Vehicles delivering goods to Amazon fulfillment centers must meet the following standards:

The vehicle floor must be able to withstand a pallet jack fully laden.

The vehicle floor must be well-maintained, safe, and free from any obstructions and damage such as holes.

The vehicle must be watertight, clean, and free of strong odors, especially when delivering food and health-care products.

Straps, unless actually securing a load, must be firmly fixed to the vehicle, so they present no danger to fulfillment center associates and ensure accessibility to the goods being unloaded.

Due to safety concerns, the use of trailers with uneven or corrugated floors (such as in refrigerated trailers) is not permitted.

Any trailer, truck, shipment, or portion of a shipment is subject to refusal at the fulfillment center if the fulfillment center associates are unable to safely unload the product with no additional cost to Amazon. Notification of such events will be sent to the e-mail address associated with your seller account.


亚马逊平台如何保障卖家的账户信息安全,亚马逊官方——汽运零担 (LTL) 和汽运零担(FTL) 货件对承运人的要求