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2021-12-12 20:13:28 其他跨境


生命周期预算有哪些?亚马逊官方为您解释!:生命周期预算生命周期预算就是指您想要在一个广告活动的全部推广全过程中耗费的总额度。一旦您的广告活动做到了您设定的生命周期预算限定,它将终止推广广告。营销推广您可以为生命周期预算设定的最少限额为 $100。亚马逊商品营销推广活动的全自动和手动式精准定位全自动和手动式精准定位“精准定位”就是指应用关键字和产品在搜索结果和商品详情页表面向有关顾客展现您的广告。针对商品推广活动,您可以建立二种类别的精准定位:全自动精准定位和手动式精准定位。全自动推广根据全自动精准定位,大家会将您的广告与关






您可以为生命周期预算设定的最少限额为 $100。您将在广告活动期内按时付款花费,直到用完广告活动的全部生命周期预算才行。预算会尽量快地应用,并且不容易24小时维持相同的速率。这是因为如果有很多顾客对您营销推广的产品有兴趣,那麼较小的预算会在数分钟内耗光。该体系会使您从高总流量周期时间中获益。


比如,假如您将推广 10 天的广告活动的生命周期预算设定为 $1,000,amazon将每日给予较多 $100 的浏览量。假如您在第一天得到了 $90 的浏览量,那麼第二天的预算则为 $110,以对昨日未做到预算阀值做出填补。一旦做到 $1,000 的预算限制,您的广告活动将终止推广广告。



Lifetime budget

The lifetime budget is the total amount that you are willing to spend on one campaign for as long as it runs. Once your campaign has reached the lifetime budget limit you have set, it will stop running ads.

Sponsored Brands

The minimum amount you can set for a lifetime budget is $100.You will be charged periodically during your campaign until the campaign’s entire lifetime budget is spent. Budgets are spent as quickly as possible and your budget will not be paced throughout the day. This means that a smaller budget could be spent in a few minutes if there are a large number of shoppers interested in your advertised products. This system allows you to benefit from high traffic periods.

You can't switch between a daily budget and a lifetime budget after you have selected one for a particular campaign. To change your budgeting method for a Sponsored Brand, copy your campaign and create a new one.

For example, if you set your lifetime budget to $1,000 for a campaign running for 10 days, Amazon will deliver up to $100 of clicks per day. If you receive $90 in clicks on the first day, the budget the next day will be $110 to make up for not reaching yesterday’s budgeting threshold. Once you reach your cap of $1,000, your campaign will stop serving ads.

Note:Lifetime budgets are not available for Sponsored Products campaigns.












Automatic and manual targeting

Targeting uses keywords and products to show your ads on search and detail pages to relevant shoppers. For Sponsored Products campaigns, you can create two types of targeting: automatic and manual.

Automatic targeting

With automatic targeting, we match your ad with keywords and products that are similar to the product in your ad. We choose keyword and product matches for you based on shopper searches related to your product information. Automatic targeting allows you to easily and quickly create a campaign. After your campaign has been running, you can view your campaign’s performance in campaign manager to monitor impressions and clicks to your ad and modify the targeting to meet your business goals.

When you choose automatic targeting, we use multiple default strategies on your behalf to match your ad to a shopper looking for your product. For example, your ad will be eligible to be shown in the search results if your product closely or loosely matches searches results from shoppers. Similarly, we'll show your ad to shoppers who view the detail pages of products that are substitutes or complements of your ad products. After you create your campaign, you can view these different targeting strategies (i.e., close match, loose match, substitutes and complements) in campaign manager and make changes to meet your campaign objectives. For example, you can increase your bid for one tactic versus another to meet your objectives.

Manual targeting

For more advanced advertisers who have targeting experience, manual targeting helps you to specifically target keywords and products. You can choose different match types for keywords, and choose categories, products, brands or features related to your product.

