亚马逊卖家如何充分利用促销,看这里亚马逊“事件通知 Web 服务”提供的四种主要操作介绍
亚马逊商家怎样充分利用促销,看这里亚马逊“事情通告 Web 服务项目”给予的四种关键实际操作详细介绍引言
亚马逊商家怎样充分利用促销?看这里:充分利用促销秒杀和 7 天促销是限定促销特惠,参加的商品将表明在亚马逊促销网页页面上。您可以应用【秒杀活动组织】递交秒杀和 7 天促销,但需支出一定花费。全部秒杀提议和 7 日促销均需得到亚马逊的准许,才亚马逊“事情通告 Web 服务项目”给予的四种关键实际操作详细介绍“事情通告 Web 服务项目”给予四种关键实际操作。2个用以查找与事情种类有关的一般信息内容,其他2个则用以查找事情通告自身。
秒杀和 7 天促销是限定促销特惠,参加的商品将表明在亚马逊促销网页页面上。您可以应用【秒杀活动组织】递交秒杀和 7 天促销,但需支出一定花费。全部秒杀提议和 7 日促销均需得到亚马逊的准许,才可以在亚马逊促销网页页面上发布。相关其他信息,客户程序秒杀协助网页页面。
图文并茂版商品宝贝详情面: 您在亚马逊商城系统展现商品的方法会危害顾客的消费行为。保证商品网页页面根据高质量图片为客户给予更有意义的信息内容,进而充分利用秒杀。
图文并茂版商品叙述: 知名品牌使用者可以在商品信息内容中加上图文并茂版商品叙述,根据额外的高清图片和文字改善商品叙述一部分。此作用仅适合已根据亚马逊知名品牌注册手续获准变成知名品牌持有人的商家。
将秒杀展现给适合的顾客: 保证在合理的归类下公布商品。ASIN 或父 ASIN 在亚马逊商城系统公布时所属的种类也是秒杀在Z 秒杀网页页面中表明时所属的归类。在合理的归类下公布商品,有利于在 【Z 秒杀】中按部类开展挑选时,保证将商品展现给适合的顾客。
周期性: 在一年中,全部商品都是有向顾客开展市场销售的最佳时间。挑选商品的周期性做到最好的那一周。
亚马逊商城系统中的市场竞争: 您的秒杀可能是亚马逊商城系统中价钱最好的商品,但请考虑到该价钱在与别的知名品牌和供应商的类似商品对比时,是不是具备竞争能力。
亚马逊商城系统在内的商品价钱: 提议的商品价钱可以确保您的商品在亚马逊商城系统中是价钱最好的商品。但请考虑到该秒杀价钱在与亚马逊以外网址上的商品价钱对比时,是不是具备竞争能力。
查询亚马逊上的“将要发布的促销”网页页面:促销将于间距促销开始时间 24 钟头以前表明在 【Z 秒杀】的将要发布一部分。运用这 24 钟头的时间段来查验即将开始的促销。您必须在间距方案开始时间 25 钟头以前修补被暂拒的全部促销,不然这种促销将不容易表明在【将要发布的秒杀】一部分,并很有可能会被撤消。下列是一些有效的提醒:
即将开始的促销表明在预估归类中。在 【Z 秒杀】中应用“商品归类”和“秒杀情况”筛选条件寻找将要发布的促销,以保证顾客可以见到这种促销。
防止变更 ASIN: 针对处在“将要发布”情况的促销,防止对参加促销的 ASIN 或父 ASIN 开展重要变更,实际包含:
编缉标价: 假如减少参加促销的 ASIN 原价钱,您也有可能必须减少同一 ASIN 的促销价钱,以防止促销被暂拒。
删掉或停卖商品: 切勿在【管理方法库存量】网页页面将参加促销的一切 ASIN 的情况更改成“停卖”,不然可能撤消现阶段为该 ASIN 分配的全部促销。没法再次激话已撤消的促销。
建立新的子 ASIN: 针对包括组合的促销,防止在递交促销后建立新的子 ASIN 或向组合系列产品分派新的子 ASIN。不然会致使大家面临新的子 ASIN 对目前促销开展再次认证,进而导致促销被暂拒或撤消。
Getting the most of out of your Deals
Lightning Deals and 7-day Deals are time-bound, promotional offers where a product is featured on the Amazon Deals page. You can use theDeals Dashboardto submit Lightning Deals and 7-day Deals for a fee. All the proposed Lightning Deals and 7-day Deals require Amazon approval to run on the Amazon Deals page. For more information, seethe Deals help pages.
As you choose and create your Deals, take into account the following tips that may improve the success of your Deal:
Before creating your Deal
Rich product detail pages: The way you present your products in Amazon Stores can influence a customer’s buying decision.Get the most out of your deals by ensuring your product pages have meaningful information for customers with high quality images.
See theProduct Style Guidesto learn how to create great product detail pages.
See theProduct Style Guidesto learn how to create great product detail pages.
Enhanced Brand Content: Brand owners can addEnhanced Brand Contentto their listings to enhance the product description section with additional images and text. This feature is only available to sellers who have been approved as brand owners through theAmazon Brand Registry process.
Surfacing your Deal to the right customers: Make sure that your products are listed in the appropriate category. The category that the ASIN or parent ASIN is listed in on Amazon will also be the category that the Deal will be shown in on theToday’s Dealspage. Having your products listed in the correct category will help ensure that it surfaces to the right customers when filtering by department withinToday’s Deals.
Seasonality: All products have an optimal time of year to sell to customers. Choose the week that best optimizes the seasonality of your product.
On-Amazon competition: Your Deal might be the best priced product on Amazon, but consider whether the price is competitive to similar products from other brand and sellers.
Off-Amazon prices: The suggested price ensures that your product is the best priced product in Amazon Stores. However, consider whether the Deal price is competitive to prices on websites outside of Amazon.
After creating a Deal
Monitor the Status of your Upcoming Deals:Actively monitor your upcoming Deals from theDeals Dashboardin the days leading up to the deal start date to ensure they continue to meet theeligibility requirementsIf any of your scheduled Deals becomes suppressed, you’ll need to make the appropriate updates to the Deal within theDeals Dashboard. SeeTroubleshooting Suppressed and Live Dealsfor more information.
Check Upcoming Deals page on Amazon:Your Deal will be shown in theUpcoming sectionofToday’s Deals24 hours before your Deal is scheduled to run.Use this 24 hour window to review your upcoming Deals. Any deal that is suppressed will need to be fixed 25 hours before the scheduled start time or it will not surface in theUpcoming Dealssection and may be canceled. Below are some helpful tips:
Your upcoming Deals surface in the expected category. Locate your upcoming deals using the Department and Availability filters withinToday’s Dealsto ensure customers are able to see them.
The Deal image is of good quality and accurately represents the product. You can update the deal image from Seller Central if necessary.
The Deal price provides a great discount for customers. You can increase the percentage off my lowering your Deal price and increase your Quantity for Deal allowing more customers purchase from your Deal.
Avoid making changes to ASIN(s): For Deals in Upcoming status, avoid making major changes to the ASIN(s) or parent ASIN participating in the Deal. This includes:
Pricing Edits: If you lower the price on a participating ASIN(s), you may also be required to lower the Deal price for the same ASIN(s) to avoid Deal suppression.
Delete or Close Listings: Do not change the status of any ASIN(s) participating in Deals to Closed within theManage Inventorypage. Doing so will cancel any Deal currently scheduled for that ASIN. Canceled Deals cannot be reactivated.
Create new child ASINs: For Deals that include variations, avoid creating or assigning new child ASINs to the variation family after the Deal has been submitted. Doing so will result in the existing Deal to revalidate with the new child ASINs which will cause the Deal to become suppressed or canceled.
amazon“事件通告 Web 服务项目”给予的四种关键操作详细介绍
ENS 操作
“事件通告 Web 服务项目”给予四种关键操作。2个用于检索与事件类型有关的一般信息内容,其他2个则用于检索事件通告自身。
事件类型是不是受适用该操作容许您查验“事件通告 Web 服务项目”是不是适用所供应的事件类型。
配对字符串数组(务必):包括兼容 Java/Perl 正则表达式的字符串数组,用于与事件类型名字相符合。假如键入了空字符串,则将回到相关全部事件类型的数据信息。
获取事件该操作容许您检索事件网页页面和分页查询 Cookie。分页查询 Cookie 容许您在以后检索大量事件。
总数限定(可选,但假如省去总数限定则务必特定起止日期):限定回到的事件总数。比如,您可应用该主要参数规定仅表明特定类型的近期 500 个事件。
每张事件数(可选):用于限定每一次读取“事件通告 Web 服务项目”时需返还的事件数。假如存有比特定总数大量的可以用事件,则须要附加读取“获取大量”指令。
事件通告:一组事件,包含其类型、时间戳和 XML 行为主体。为防止与用于储存“事件”名字的语言表达和库产生取名矛盾,他们被取名为“事件通告”。
分页查询 Cookie:可与“获取大量”指令融合应用,以检索以后的附加事件。
获取大量该操作容许您应用以前读取“获取事件”或“获取大量”所回到的分页查询 Cookie 来检索附加的事件。在读取“获取大量”以前,顾客务必容许分页查询 Cookie“战不胜時间”字段名所特定的時间消失,不然要求将被拒绝。这也是为了更好地容许将要求节流阀至有效水准,进而让全部顾客都公平应用服务项目。分页查询 Cookie 还必需在“应用限期”期满以前应用,不然该 Cookie 可能到期。
分页查询 Cookie(务必):这也是您以前读取“获取事件”或“获取大量”时需返还的分页查询 Cookie。为简单考虑,您可省去“应用限期”和“战不胜時间”。
事件通告:一组事件,包含其类型、时间戳和 XML 行为主体。为防止与用于储存“事件”名字的语言表达和库产生取名矛盾,他们被取名为“事件通告”。
分页查询 Cookie:可与“获取大量”指令融合应用,以检索以后的附加事件。
Operations Available Through the Event Notification Web Service
There are four primary operations provided by the Event Notification Web Service (ENS). Two are for retrieving general information about event types, and the other two are for retrieving the event notifications themselves.
This operation enables you to check whether a given event type is supported by the Event Notification Web Service.
Operation Name: IsEventTypeSupported
Request Parameters:
EventType(required): A string containing the name of the event type to be checked.
IsSupported(required): A Boolean value representing whether or not that event type is supported.
This operation enables you to retrieve a list of all supported event types and their descriptions.
Operation Name: GetSupportedEventTypes
Request Parameters:
MatchString(required): A string containing a Java/Perl-compatible regular expression to be used to match against the event type names. If an empty string is passed, data about all event types will be returned.
EventType: "ssn"
EventTypeName: ""Sold, ship now""
EventTypeDescription: "A new order has been placed by a customer"
EventTypeDetails: A set of elements containing the event type, name, and description.
This operation enables you to retrieve a page of events along with a PagingCookie. The PagingCookie allows you to retrieve more events at a later time.
Operation Name: GetEvents
Request Parameters:
Default: 100
Min: 1
Max: 200
Default: Not specified
Min: 0 (only events occurring from the current time forward will be available via additional calls to GetMore)
Max: No limit (although there is a limit to the total number of events available)
EventType(required): The event type to be retrieved.
StartDate(optional, but Limit must be specified if StartDate is omitted): The earliest date for which we should return events.
Limit(optional, but StartDate must be specified if Limit is omitted): Limits the number of events returned. For example, you can use this parameter to request only the latest 500 events of a given type.
EventsPerPage(optional): Used to limit the number of events returned by each call to the Event Notification Web Service. If more than the specified number of events are available, additional calls to GetMore will be required.
EventNotifications: A set of events, including their type, timestamp, and XML body. In order to avoid naming collisions with languages and libraries that have reserved the name "Event," they are named "EventNotifications."
PagingCookie: A PagingCookie that can be used with GetMore to retrieve additional events later.
MorePagesExist: A Boolean flag representing whether or not there are additional pages of events available for retrieval
This operation enables you to retrieve additional events using a PagingCookie returned by a previous call to GetEvents or GetMore. Before calling GetMore, clients must allow the amount of time specified in the PagingCookie’s BackOffTime field to elapse, or the request will be rejected. This is to allow requests to be throttled down to a reasonable level so the service can serve all clients equally. The PagingCookie must also be used before TimeToLive has passed, otherwise the cookie will have expired.
Operation Name: GetMore
Request Parameters:
Default: 100
Min: 1
Max: 200
PagingCookie(required): This is the PagingCookie returned by your previous call to GetEvents or GetMore. For simplicity, you can leave out the TimeToLive and BackOffTime.
EventsPerPage(required): Used to limit the number of events returned by each call to GetMore.
EventNotifications: A set of events, including their type, timestamp, and XML body. In order to avoid naming collisions with languages and libraries that have reserved the name "Event," they are named "EventNotifications."
PagingCookie: A PagingCookie that can be used with GetMore to retrieve additional events later.
MorePagesExist: A Boolean flag representing whether or not there are additional pages of events available for retrieval