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2021-10-31 14:20:42 亚马逊




大家先来了解一下哪种类型的恶意差评是还可以被清空的,并并不一定的恶意差评都能被清空的,因此掌握这种对大家取得成功清除恶意差评是很有幫助的。1. The feedback includes words commonly understood to be obscene or profane.点评中包括色情和性侵的词句 。如: I finally receive the parcel from the stupid seller , shit quality , very disappointed.2. The feedback includes seller-specific, personally identifiable information, including e-mail addresses, full names, or telephone numbers.点评中包括了大家商家个人信息,如电子邮箱,联系电话 ,全称等信息内容。3. The entire feedback comment is a product review.所有的Feedback只对于商品,沒有提及商家的服务项目, 如:这一件衣服裤子跟我想像的色调不一样,但假如点评到商家的服务项目就不太可能清除,。 如: 配送太慢了,并且衣服裤子跟我想像的色调不一样。4. The entire feedback comment is regarding fulfillment or customer service for an order fulfilled by Amazon. Feedback reviewed and determined to be relating explicitly to fulfillment and customer service for an order fulfilled by Amazon will not be removed, but a line will appear through the rating with the following statement.FBA造成的货运物流难题amazon不容易帮你将恶意差评清除,可是会帮你将恶意差评划去,随后一行字: This item was fulfilled by Amazon, and we take responsibility for this fulfillment experience.

5. 有一些患者在留点评的情况下在 arrive on time , item as described , customer service 这三项上都写的YES ,随后又留一个恶意差评让你,像这类一般还可以发送给CASE给amazon规定清除。可是假如这三项有一项是NO得话,恶意差评清除的可能性就很低了。6. 也有一种情形是消费者威协大家说不太如何就给恶意差评,我们可以将那样的话截屏立即交到amazon解决,与此同时假如商家向顾客给予一些益处让顾客清除五星好评,这类作法被amazon查到是会对帐户有影响的, 情节恶劣话会造成 帐户被移出市场销售管理权限的。amazon全文要求: You may request that a buyer remove feedback. However, you may not offer nor pay any incentive to a buyer for either providing or removing feedback。7. 大家提议顾客留恶意差评后商家积极主动的和顾客沟通交流,争得和顾客达成一致协议书,使他把恶意差评清除,(留恶意差评后两个月内顾客能够清除该恶意差评)商家向amazon申请办理清除恶意差评取得成功之后,amazon是会电子邮件告知顾客商家彼此,而顾客有支配权再一次留评。为了更好地防止惹恼顾客提议过几天再去申请办理恶意差评清除。掌握到怎么样的恶意差评能够清除,下边咱们看来一下怎样在后台管理实际操作清除恶意差评:1,登录到amazon的后台管理,每一页的最底端都是有个contact seller support:2,点一下contact seller support/Get support进来,挑选selling on amazon:

3,挑选customers and orders下边的customer feedback,再键入必须 清除恶意差评的订单编号,点一下search:


之上便是递交清除恶意差评的流程。如果有顾客想要积极帮大家清除恶意差评,又不清楚该怎样清除恶意差评能够让顾客依照以下流程:If a buyer agrees to remove the feedback, you can provide them with thesestep-by-step instructions:1. Go to Amazon.com and click Your Account in the upper-right hand corner.2. Click Your Orders.3. On the right, select a date range from the Date drop-down box. Click Go. A list of orders appears.4. Locate your order and click View Order Details in the left-hand column, under the Order Placed date.5. Scroll down to Your Seller Feedback and click Remove. The Remove Feedback page appears.6. Select a reason for removing the feedback, and then click Remove Feedback.

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